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Objectives and activities of the association codru.org PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Tuesday, 27 April 2010 23:11

Objectives and activities of our association rule extracted from:

Article 3. Association of the aims of social, civic, cultural and spiritual development and ethical and spiritual referinduse in particular:

    • promoting arts and culture
    • organization and / or collaboration and participation in cultural events and awareness, such as performances, exhibitions, concerts, theater, film screenings, photographic exhibitions and other gatherings;
    • organizing meetings, debates, lectures, symposia, workshops, exhibitions and other events for comparison and aggregation;
    • promotional activities and publications promoting gender, multicultural, recognition and value of diversity and discrimination;
    • promote cultural exchanges between communities of different nationalities are in Italy;
    • promote cultural exchanges between Italian people and immigrant communities in the territory;
    • strengthening the principles of peace, multi-ethnic culture of solidarity between peoples;
    • collaborate with other groups of Moldovan Diaspora in Italy and internationally
    • mediate between the Moldovan community members and local authorities;
    • defend their members' interests against the authorities and institutions, Italian and Moldova;
    • provide information and legal assistance, notary, tax and technical translations, authentication of documents and equivalents;
    • advice to place employees in Italy, Moldova;
    • advice on family and social problems;
    • obtaining a declaration of value for qualifications Moldova
    • grant aid Moldovans (individuals or institutions) need, resident in Italy and Moldova.
    • promote humanitarian activities;
    • development of sport and social tourism.
    • promoting Italian culture among members of the association:
      • visits to museums, exhibitions and architectural objectives;
      • tours in major cities of Italy;
      • italiaene meet people of culture;
      • Italian language and culture courses.
    • Riera New, Courier "> association may create special tools, information and media, such as:
      • One or more Web sites operated by the association;
      • one or more mailing lists and / or news server (public or private);
      • A newspaper / magazine.
    • networking information (their website, printed propaganda via computer and paper);
    • mediate between the Moldovan community members and local authorities;
    • fundraising activities;

Article 4. Association achieve its goals the following activities, which are listed, but not limited to:

    • organize a concert with guest artists from Moldova
    • Register photo / video of an event and making materials acquired in a movie and then be distributed free or in exchange for a donation.
    • roundtables, conferences, debates, exhibitions, festivals, and arts and crafts courses, competitions and literary initiatives, seminars, using as appropriate, the audiovisual media.
    • theater, musical entertainment and entertainment to the States and outdoor recreation in general, social dinners, trips, visits to cultural sites.
    • meetings, events between members during the holidays.
    • contacts with companies, associations, universities, public institutions, local authorities, tourism and sports in associative sense;
    • any other appropriate demonstration to achieve the goals set in the previous article.
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 08:02
[Giochideltricolore.it] 22 agosto Aperta in grande stile i Giochi del Tricolore PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 14 March 2010 01:46


Pozesi used information published by our team.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 25 April 2010 15:00
FAQ PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Friday, 05 March 2010 16:35

1. Why do I need to write articles and forum.codru.org www.codru.org site?

Answer: You need to register the name of a secure password and email as well. To register by going to the https://codru.org/component/user/register www.codru.org and to converse on forum.codru.org at: http://forum.codru.org/ ucp.php? mode = register

2. Why should I register twice?

Answer: Because of security reasons I decided to keep separate these two areas.

3. How can participant in team work, for example, to translate articles?

Answer: Team codru.org the adoption of task management system where each of us can submit articles / interesting topics written or translated or organized events. These proposals are shared with other members and mambru first task is solved once free to all that work was finished. Thereby avoid making the same thing twice.

4. How can I access the system administration tasks?

Answer: It's enough to write a letter to the info@codru.org content: "I want to be part of codru.org team!" and soon you'll be invited to a meeting. After this we will communicate all the information you need to become a true "outlaw" www.codru.org site
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