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Home News Latest Pre-trial procedure for settling disputes
Pre-trial procedure for settling disputes PDF Print E-mail
Written by CodruBot   
Thursday, 20 May 2010 17:07

Sent by a friend, a lawyer, simply adorable!

During a trip to the region was faced with a very curious incidents. It turned out that nowhere in our Russian law does not say that the documents should be produced on paper and not on any other materials. That was laughing the whole city over a certain conflict with the Bank. That they do not share, I personally do not listen. We talked about some unfair charges, on a maintenance fee ... But it's fine and legal matter. Significantly, it is known that's what.

read in the original

When an entrepreneur (hereinafter - P) appealed to resolve the conflict in the bank spiteful bank employees said: "Write to the claim, we will be 60 days to review and then still deny." P removed from office, leaving a farewell: "Sami asked for." Bankers do not take into account that P is a monopolist in the supply of cut stone for the monuments, foundations and others. Here P, and put the bank required a claim. A quiet Sunday evening on a heavy truck, the claim was driven around the city. Near the locked office of the bank's claim was carefully unloaded two heavy cranes and installed on the porch. In the morning it was found that the claim is somewhat hampered the Bank's staff to get into office. Although in general, the claim was very modest. Strict slab of gray granite, weighing some 12 tons. At the plate throughout the claim form was knocked to the bank. With all the details including the address P to answer.

Of course, the bank does not have it so. The remaining office bank employees called the police. Having carefully considered the claim, the police explained that there is no crime, but there is a civil law relations. Then advise the bank to decide the question of P in the court of general jurisdiction and left home. But claims remain. The bank tried to remove the claim independently. Alas, P was the only one happy owner of multiaxial trailer and related materials. And without a trailer to remove the claim was not possible. Bankers caused the tractor and hook together claim rope and push at least from the porch into the street. Handling complaints stopped by the way passing the police, explaining that clutter the roadway claims is impossible. Poor bank workers had to enter the workplace through the windows. Bank customers politely refused and preferred to go to other banks.

The next day, the judge of the district court, after hearing a complaint of the bank, refused to order an interim measure to require P to cancel the claim. Moreover, it was found that the bank has no right to reject a claim based on the use of paperless materials, but must move it to archive and review in accordance with its own procedures. As a result, on the third day, the bank hired a team of workers with jackhammers still shattered by the claim to the transported size.

And the same day, P phoned the bank and politely inquired about the outcome of a claim. Upon hearing the promise of P in the case of delay, set a new claim that was already three pages, the bank chose not to bring to this and quickly canceled for all P Commission. So the pre-trial settlement - a very effective measure!


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