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Home News Latest Nostradamus predicts World War III
Nostradamus predicts World War III PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 01 October 2010 08:27

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According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the end of 2010 will bring disaster among people, triggering the Third World War.
The mysterious quatrains means that Russia will be involved, as expected, especially when it comes to such situations, and in the Black Sea will be a catastrophe of chemical origin.
Astrologers and prophets have announced that 2010 will be a difficult one, culminating with a conflict between two great powers. Those who interpret the predictions of Nostradamus warns that a leader "ruthless and bloodthirsty" leads the "sword and fire."
In addition to this interpretation, these passages appear in so-called "Ark of the anger of Satan", which is thought to be represented by a possible launch of a ballistic missile.
Specialists in deciphering the writings of Nostradamus say that he would have predicted a series of adverse events for 2010, including: beginning of the Third World War in November, based on bacteriological and chemical weapons, Iscar major conflicts between States U.S. and Western Europe, serious disagreements between Britain and France, the possibility of an armed military conflict in Crimea, suffered a terrible dive from Europe and an economic catastrophe will happen in the Black Sea, involving chemicals - hydrogen sulfide.
Other predictions made by astrologers are related to the deepening economic crisis and global warming, the collapse of major global corporations, a possible conflict in Central Asia, Russia devastation due to big earthquakes, decreased solar activity, the waters will flood the south-east Asia declining birthrates in Europe and form a new union that will include USA, European countries and the Pacific Basin.

Certainly, most important prediction configures hard to imagine a scenario with many disasters that will take place on American territory and the possibility of a new World War broke out.
It is said that on November 11, 2010 will start a war fought between two powerful countries in which only those who will be able to hide in the East or the Caucasus will survive the slaughter. In the same paragraph says that about 50 million Russians will die. Although experts have not given other explanations, one can understand very clearly that one of the two above mentioned countries is Russia.
This conflict seems to be just a 'warm up', because it will not last long. After concluding his way peace will not install. Four Kings will start a battle which will really kick off the Third World War, when a "big bird" will fly over America, and Satan will throw a bomb over the American people.
At the end of last century, a group of specialists have made a few predictions and less threatening, but can change significantly over all mankind and are valid for 2010:
- Russia and Belarus will register a growth consistence;
- Androids robots will appear and will be introduced in everyday life;
- Will find scientific evidence for the existence of the soul;
- Particle accelerator will crash and will form an artificial black hole;
- Will carry out research on the development of virtual human nature;
- Would prohibit the cloning process;
- Introduction of robots in homes;
- UFO mystery will be elucidated, and our planet will be visited by individuals from other planetary systems.

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