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Home News Latest Pilot Program for Attracting Remittances in Economics
Pilot Program for Attracting Remittances in Economics PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 18:44

  Was launched in Chisinau today officially Pilot Program for Attracting Remittances in Economics, PARE 1 1 "for 2010-2012. Conference to launch the program was inaugurated by the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Moldova, which was led by Vice Democratic Party di Moldova Mr. Valeriu Lazar.

  Launch Pilot PARE was an inspired one international practice and adjusted to the reality of the Republic of Moldova and aims to develop sustainable business impact as both economically and socially. Thus, every lion invested in remittances will be substituted with a lion in the form of grants under the program.

This program is a challenge for Moldova and has a viewfinder support of Moldovan migrants to return the country to launch their own businesses contribute to the development of national economy.

Pilot Program for Attracting Remittances in Economics, PARE 1 1 "for 2010-2012 is approved by Government Decision   no. 972 of 18.10.2010. Its launch is conditioned by the fact that in Moldova, now, every second Moldovan has at least one relative who went to work abroad, and 70% of migrant workers intend to return home and 12% respectively want to invest in a business.

PARE 1 a target group are migrant workers or their first degree relatives, who have a firm during the launch or development, with private capital and will obtain a grant for the establishment and business development within the R . Moldova. The program is implemented by the rule "1 +1", which states that every dollar invested in remittances will be substituted with a lion in the PARE. The maximum grant amounts to 200 thousand.

The pilot program will be conducted in four components: information and communication, training and entrepreneurial support, business financing / a January rule, post-funding monitoring and evaluation. Program beneficiaries will be able to attend training courses in entrepreneurship, being provided with educational materials and consultation. The program, PARE 1 a "tends to facilitate migrants' access to finance, while helping to boost remittances through official channels, the introduction of best practices in host states of migrants, creating a lever for introducing innovations and know-how, but while creating jobs and solving other social issues.

As a result of a program appears to help increase the volume of investment in the national economy, the creation and development of small businesses, including 70% in rural areas, reducing emigration and unemployment, leading to the improvement of living standards. The institution responsible for implementation, coordination and monitoring activities under the "PARE 1 +1" is ODIMM. The body that approves or rejects the applications of applicants, supervise and evaluate the conduct of the pilot program is the Supervisory Committee.

For more details about the program seems one can access an official website of the Ministry of Economy and Trade: www.mec.gov.md

Baltag Alexander, Victor Manoli

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 November 2010 21:55

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