Members of Parliament 90 Public Association, proposes to convene a Great National Assembly in celebration of 20 years since the first Grand National Assembly. Association members issued a statement criticizing the current leadership of Moldova and who says that revanchist forces of aggression among the Communist Party split into two camps society that created a hostile and extremely dangerous voltage.
Well I have found in this edition of news Cinformi. Immigrants' associations active in Trentino intends to promote a show for racoltării funds to help persons suffering from earthquake in Abruzzo.
All the 60 Communist deputies in the 17 th legislature R. Molodva Parliament were present today at the ceremony of handing over mandates. Leader, President of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin was first on the list of deputies who were summoned to take the mandate and stated in his speech that the formation of which is holding all the power.
Moldovan President is a great artist, he can be pro-European while the worship of Lenin's work can be good and forgiving while troops of arresting, beating and killing other young people come not only did not agree the party. What democracy is that which he longs? Why not retire in peace and dignity?
As you can see the video below mulţti of Moldova citizens have begun to apply for Romanian citizenship to regain. This declaration last week by Romanian President Traian Basescu, which promised to facilitate for Moldovan citizens who want to "regain" Romanian citizenship.