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World War III could begin in Korea PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 December 2010 13:49
South Korea has begun this morning, immediate military exercises near the border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Initially, the maneuvers were scheduled for the weekend, but were canceled - officially because of bad weather. Experts warn about the serious political and military risks, social and environmental impacts of a potential major conflict between the two Koreas, Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta noted, as quoted by realitatea.net.
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According to him, Moscow believes that the maneuvers with artillery attacks of South Koreans held Yeonpyeong island, could further damage already tense situation in the region. Russia, which has a border with the DPRK has nothing to fear, daily stresses. The Russian analyst Alexander Vorontsov, where the conflict will escalate, it is possible influx of refugees and an environmental catastrophe in the area. "In South Korea there are 20 nuclear plants that could be destroyed with normal weapons. This means 20 new Chernobyl incident. Moreover, and North Korea are nuclear targets," said Vorontsov, expert at the Institute of Oriental Russian Academy of Sciences.
Moreover, military action will force neighboring Korean Peninsula, including Russia, China and the U.S., to place in the overall state of readiness to fight armed forces. "From experience we know that the Iraqi campaign, despite the use of high precision weapons, were sometimes affected neighboring countries," Russian analyst warns. According to Vorontsov's the conflict between the two Koreas could be a long and uncontrollable, could escalate into a Third World War, the United States to confront China.
Meanwhile, Washington's position arouses questions, highlights Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Thus, the U.S. did not accept the summons, last Saturday, the Security Council of the United Nations (UN), as requested by Moscow. It is expected that about 20 U.S. soldiers take part in the current South Korean maneuvers. Pyongyang says that the South Koreans are using the Americans as a shield, but did not hesitate to threaten to "unpredictable attacks of self defense." In turn, the U.S. State Department said that Seoul's military exercises are some grounds in terms of ensuring security and that the South Korean side has a right to it.
In his opinion Vorontsov, maneuvers reveal illusions Seoul South Koreans, that the DPRK regime change would be possible by amplifying the pressures and isolation. "South Korea and the U.S. have agreed positions. In addition, Washington gets a lever to intensify pressure on China, because the situation gives the possibility to carry out military forces within the borders of the PRC, to hold exercises in the Yellow Sea in the immediate vicinity of the banks and the principal cities of China, "explained the expert.
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Flux 2011, doors open to employees 100mii PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 19 December 2010 19:56

Finally, after almost two years of waiting, was finally signed the decree that authorizes the entry flow in Italy in 2011 to 100 thousand workers from outside. By the end of this year more detailed information will be published in the official ziaru. How and during previous immigration flows will be reserve shares arising from the following countries:

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- 50,000 entries will be eservate subordinate workers in all sectors, from Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, Ghana, Morocco, Moldova, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, India, Peru, Ukraine, Niger, Gambia.
- 30,000 entries are reserved for the employment of domestic employees and employees of various nationalities familiar.
- 4000 entries are reserved for workers who have worked in training programs in countries of origin.
- 500 entries are reserved for descendants of Italians registered in lists of consulates of Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil.
- 11 000 Conversion of residence permits on grounds of study, practical training, and long SAESONAL (memberships issued by other EU countries) allowed on the ground in subordinate
- 500 residence permits to stay for long time (ETA issued by EU countries memberships) allowed on the ground in working independently.
Applications will be submitted in the following way: the employer may submit their application for employment through the procedure telematic day click "and entries will be awarded until places are filled, so in this case will be fundamental reference time employment demand.

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Facebook`s founder - the man of 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 17 December 2010 08:56

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg was named "Man of the Year 2010" by Time magazine. According to the newspaper, was awarded the title because he failed to connect more than half a billion people and created social relations between them, it created a new system for exchanging information and for having changed people's lifestyle . Chief editor of Time magazine, Richard Stengel, said Zuckerberg was chosen because it has managed something which has not been done before, and never say "the interconnection of half a billion users and their geographical location." "He invented the social platform is a network that allows connection between every tenth inhabitant of our planet," Stengel said. "Facebook is now the third largest country in the world, and has probably more information about its citizens than any government. And Zuckerberg, who dropped courses at Harvard University , is president of this country. "

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In almost seven years ago, in February 2004 when Zuckerberg was 19 years old and studying at Harvard, started a Web service called Thefacebook.com, to "connect people through social networks in colleges." So, Mark Zuckerberg has managed to become a billionaire just those of his 23 years. Zuckerberg and Facebook's story is the subject of a recently released film, "The social network, was among the highest grossing films of 2010. The film has six Golden Globe nominations. Among other candidates for this title were: American ultraconservative movement "Tea Party", the founder of celebrity website Wikileaks , Julian Assange, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Chileans who have been evicted miners underground.
In 2009, Time magazine chose "Man of the Year by the American Central Bank governor, Ben Bernanke, in 2008 the U.S. President, Barack Obama, and in 2007 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.


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How can we overcome death? PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 11:59
Experts in artificial intelligence and medical specialists hope to defeat death, with the latest technologies. They plan to store the information in the human brain and a high performance computer storage medium based on silicon and then transfer them into another body, the newspaper Pravda. American Scientist Terrence Aym published an article which shows the latest news in obtaining immortality for humans. Technology transfer would be based on a computer what you personality and thinking in humans. In this way they would obtain immortality, U.S. researcher said. He says there is even an institute dedicated to this project, called The Digital Immortality Institute (DII). There were identified three things that are needed to achieve immortality. They are:
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1. Guaranteed access to the Internet.
2. Ensuring the integrity of identity for each user avatars.
3. Ensure that everything you individuality of a person's personality and memory are transferred into the digital environment, before the person dies.
All it can do, say the researchers, if this information is stored permanently in a timeless network of Internet and it in turn. British scientist Ian Pearson said that "by 2050, death will be past." Until 2020, these data could be transferred from humans to computers, according to research carried out.
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Orthodox church in Reggio Emilia Day PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 12 December 2010 23:29

Dozens of believers ortodoxşi, Romanian and Moldovan were gathered today, 12 December for the festival celebrated the Romanian Orthodox Church, Bishop of St. Spyridon, in Reggio Emilia. The celebration began with the holy Bishop Job Siluan honored with the presence of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Italy.

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Before inviting everyone to celebrate the festive father gave a speech to those present in the religious education Holy abode. Church wishes to have said Consul General of Romania in Bologna, Mr. Dan Eugen Pineta and Consul of the Republic of Moldova Mr. Bologna. Vadim Zmeu who was also present at the celebration. Part celebration continued in Via Adua, where he organized a rich and tasty meal with meat for Lent. There were no carols without children, and coils puhavi cabbage and sweet bosom brought from Moldova.


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