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A new theory of evolution of life on earth PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 14 October 2010 18:16

Scientists are approaching a very important discovery for the evolution of our planet. New research shows that oxygen was much less in the very distant past than previously thought.

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The secret of our planet's biosphere oxygenation has not been released yet. Some vascular plants and organisms have emerged and evolved in conditions where oxygen was very low, informs Daily Galaxy.com.
Ariel Anbar, a biochemist at the University of Arizona, found that the occurrence of vascular plants and fish predators coincided with an increasing amount of oxygen comparable to that of today. If this theory is true, then animals have appeared before this period and evolved in conditions where there was less oxygen than previously thought.
There were conflicting opinion on the amount of oxygen in the last 500 million years. The issue was whether the oxygen level was a constant or variable during this period.
It is exactly the period in which animals and plants have appeared and have increased greatly. This is a problem that keeps even the history of life on Earth. New findings show that oxygen levels varied, and this variation is directly related to the evolution of complex life forms.
Earth has existed for 4,500 million years. With 2,300 million years ago, the atmosphere contained only traces of oxygen. Oxygen level increased since then.
This is the period over which the research team focuses on American University. Therefore, animals and plants have evolved under more harsh than today, with insufficient oxygen.
That evolution has led to their increased intake of oxygen by complex chemical processes. It is an example of co-evolution of life and environment in which it is possible.


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Coordinating Council of the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 12 October 2010 07:16

On the 15 th meeting of the Coordinating Council of the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EU BAM) were revised its mission in supporting the development of EU standards of border management in the Border Guard and Customs Service of the Republic Moldova and Ukraine, protection of the law enforcement and government institutions. This time the meeting took place in Chisinau, in the presence of senior representatives of Ukrainian and Moldovan institutions, demonstrating the priority given by both countries to improve border management at its common border.

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Coordinating Council took note of the report EUBAM Activity from 1 June until 30 September 2010. Council drew attention to the successes of the 7th Joint Border Control Operation 'Tyra 2010', which was completed on 15 septrembrie 2010, and in particular the volume of goods seized from such operations. Council noted the assistance provided by the Mission to implement the concept of Integrated Border Management (MIF) in Moldova and Ukraine, in particular, the systematic involvement of the Mission in developing strategies of MIF in both countries.
Advisory Board is chaired by the Head of EU Delegation to Ukraine and Belarus, Ambassador Pinto Teixeira, and is composed of senior representatives of border services and law protection bodies of Moldova and Ukraine, European Union, EU Special Representative Republic of Moldova, representatives of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
The following institutions have observer status: the Ministries of Internal Affairs of Moldova and Ukraine, Ministries of Justice of both countries, the Information and Security Service of Moldova, Ukraine's Security Service, Prosecutor General of both countries and the International Organization for Migration (IOM ), a press release EUBAM.


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Feast "National Wine Day" 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 09 October 2010 10:47

From October 9 to 10. celebration will be held in Chisinau "National Day of Wine", 2010 edition.

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Activities will include exhibitions of local wine production, a vast cultural and artistic program, multiple competitions, including: The best presentation of the festival, wine tourism programs, Best souvenir production with the use of holiday themes, best presentation of cuisine national.
The best participants will honor awards in the following nominations: President Grand Prix, Golden Vine, Tulburel - 2010 for best wine young, Dionysus, etc.
In the period of the festival "National Wine Day" will be organized round tables and meetings with businessmen.
The festival organizing Tourism Agency will ensure the wine route for tourists and guests, and travel agencies and hotel companies will be extensively involved in receiving and accommodating tourists and guests arrive at the celebration.


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Asteroid powder with traces of extraterrestrial life PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 08 October 2010 09:13

Hyabusa Japanese space mission returns to Earth after seven years in outer space, with an extremely valuable booty: asteroid dust, bearing traces of the existence of life in the universe.

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Preliminary analysis shows that this sample contains traces of life could extarterestra, Popular Science magazine informs.
The particles are analyzed yet, but electron microscopes revealed their unusual characteristics.
They are different from dust and aluminum powder present in the previous analysis. Scientists believe that these particles originate somewhere other than Earth. They may contain clues to the origin of the solar system and life.
Hyabusa mission returned to Earth after it was launched in June 2003, but the spacecraft has spent half an hour examining asteroid.
Analyses will be complete only after several months, but the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) promises to keep us aware of new discoveries.


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The campaign was kicked off PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 04 October 2010 22:30

National Liberal Party led by Vitalia Pavlicenco will appear first on the ballot on which citizens will elect a new parliament on 28 November, instead of which failed to elect a head of state. Will follow successively led by the United Moldova Vladimir Turcan, PPCD Rosca and MFA's site headed by Vyacheslav Untila. AMN Urechean will appear in 10th place on the ballot and went PCRM # 12 - last played today by drawing lots.

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Officially, the parties will be registered in the electoral campaign within a week after the CEC will check records. Only after the official registration, the parties will officially start nervousness, and candidates who hold public office will be obliged to relieve.
First place on the ballot can bring to a candidate, I think sociologists, up to several thousand additional votes for the simple reason that some use to vote first. " In Moldova, this position is disputed somewhat low, after a lucky draw on the very first day record of competitors, so explaining it, probably why parties rush to present the first CEC.
Today, when he was kicked off înregitrării competitors, most of the parties that want to get the new parliament, namely 12 in number, have presented papers and asked the committee to be allowed to participate in elections.
Luck smiled but only one and that was the Liberal Party's Vitalia Pavlicenco-parliamentary party that is going to appear in the current union campaign slogans. The other party has not only remained to be reconciled to the place you have obtained a draw.
I asked, but several candidates present today at the voter CEC should give priority to their party's electoral campaign.
"Because PPCD was and remains the only party that has proposed a concrete plan to overcome the crisis through cooperation ..."
"God be with PL and Moldovan citizens who deserve change, and our party is the one that started to change and will lead to an end"
"The number coincides with the number twelve apostles. So is our number because we are those who provide freedom of expression, including religion. "
"Because PD is the best team"
"Because we plead for union with Europe by uniting with Romania
'If the IEA would have met the obligations we have not had a chance. But this will have to vote for us to get rid of corruption and mafia. "

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