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EU project to brain circulation Eastern PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 06 June 2010 00:08

Promote legal immigration of temporary workers in the European Union with a degree upper-middle from Moldova, Russia and Ukraine, on the success of a pilot project which, thanks to some companies in Rome, contributed to occupational integration many young people. And 'the main objective of BrainNet-working, project co-financed by the Aeneas Programme of the European Union, which sees the participation of Italy, Moldova, Russia, Spain and Ukraine. The transnational and 'began in December 2007 and will end' in a few days.

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Presented to Parliament today, the project aims to create a network of 'Labour Windows' - the first two branches are already' operating in Rome and Chisinau - and the development of an appropriate contractual framework for the temporary migration of a training program capable of self-financing and feasibility studies' to allow other countries to repeat the experience.
The project 'BrainNet-Working' aims to give migrant workers a chance 'to improve their skills' professional in order to reintegrate them more' easily in the labor market in the country of origin, promoting the 'brain circulation' to expense of more 'damaging' brain drain ', contributing' to the modernization and development of the countries concerned to facilitate their relations with the European Union. The employment created will in fact improve the selection, evaluation and placement of people seeking jobs abroad. Studies so far and 'found that more' than 70% of people interested in these training programs are women, aged 'average between 30 and 35 years, and with a high level of education.


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Last tone from prison PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 June 2010 22:36

On June 1, the Penitentiary. Lipcani 2 of the only juvenile in the country, celebrated "Last Sound" and International Children's Day. As teachers come from other schools here in town, it was decided that the last day of school to be identified yesterday. In celebration of child detainees participated Justice Minister Tanase, and representatives of the penitentiary, parents and teachers.

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"Good day, dear colleagues, dear guests and, in particular, convicted, sent to prison interim director, Iurii Furmuzachi, the about 50 children lined the square. "Fear not," the minister said children saw them being late with the answers. "Besides the fact that there are at freedom, you have many other rights. It's only your fault that you are in a correction institution, is the fault of society. Prison term will end and I want you, after you get out of here, God keep you, not to get on these roads, "Minister wished Tanase, which brought them a gift set Books.
In addition to secondary school children who serve their sentence here still have the chance to do a technical job. Garabadgi Basil, director of the prison vocational school, he handed diplomas to the most deserving students. Among them - a teenager of 17 years, Gennady Braşoveanu Orhei just waiting to reach freedom. Now a year and a half, when completed nine grades, he stole money and a gun in a building Orhei, with whom he went out to take revenge. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment. "Because I was good and worked, you let me go home. I hope that, within a month to go, "he says optimistically. His mother is gone for 11 years in Greece, and the father does not speak. I find that parents divorced when he was a year and a half. His mother remarried in Greece and has another son. Gennady was left in the care of his grandmother, who is helping with what may. He says he would not like to come here a second time. He learned the machinist trade and hopes to find some work or, at worst, to go to his mother in Greece.
Lipcani Prison has 250 inmates capacity. Today, it seems empty with just 50 children are here. For the most part, children in prison were pardoned in 2009 and remained in custody only those who have committed serious offenses or who have two-three "experiences" of this kind.
Lipcani, and the church was involved in educating children, prisoners, yet the steps are shy. Since 2002, Adrian Nemerenco priest comes at least once a week from prison Bălăsineşti minors. He says they have very different emotional and behavioral changes, so the guard asked. Keep jobs here in a makeshift church. "Sometimes, items stolen from the church, then bring them back," Father told us.
"If you had other conditions and other concerns, certainly not enough here," said Minister out of prison Tanase, which appeared pleased that the Lipcani juvenile institution does not resemble a prison camp but with a kind of regime tighter.


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European Union grant money to reduce poverty in Moldova PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 June 2010 22:15

The European Commission adopted on June 1, 2010 Annual Action Programme for the Republic of Moldova in 2010 which provides for the allocation of 66 million euros.

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Cooperation Programme will support anti-poverty agenda of the new Moldovan government, which relies on stimulating economic growth across the country. Special attention is placed on poverty reduction program in rural areas. In addition, the assistance program will support developments in energy production to contribute to a more secure and sustainable energy in the country. This support aims to reduce Moldova's almost complete dependence on foreign sources of primary energy.
Stefan Fule, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, said: "Moldova faces formidable challenges that require critical and decisive action to reform. We support Moldova in these efforts, and today's decision demonstrates that the support is real and substantial" .
The amount of 66 million is allocated through and Partnership Instrument European Neighbourhood Policy (ENPI), which provides annual funding support for Moldova and other 16 partner states located along the border of the EU and South East . Moldova has received similar allocations in previous years, the Neighbourhood Policy, with support, for example, water supply and sanitary infrastructure. ENP allowances are the main source of EU assistance to states located along the eastern border of EU and Mediterranean region. In addition to assistance funds ENP, Moldova also receives additional support through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and other thematic programs.


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Referendum for early elections in Moldova PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 June 2010 21:55

Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland , paid a visit Thursday to the Chisinau-flash. The European official he met separately with leaders of the Alliance for European Integration and the communist opposition, because in the end to hold a press conference with the four leaders of the ruling coalition. Conclusion: in early November 2010, parliamentary elections will take place early November.

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Communist opposition leader, Vladimir Voronin, on Tuesday spoke by telephone with Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland, on how to overcome the political crisis in Moldova. The crisis was caused by the impossibility of presidential elections. The European official wanted to see if it would be possible a possible consensus between the liberal-democratic power and communist opposition in parliament in order to modify Article 78 of the current Supreme Law which he did, twice, presidential election impossible.

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A Romanian who died in Padua in his hands and stolen shopping PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 02 June 2010 23:56
Padua , at 16 o'clock yesterday evening. Before the discount racks at Dix ( Dico Group ) Ansuino street from Forlì, Arcella, customers do not speak anything but: "But how could steal bags of shopping at just one person died from an attack heart? All bags stolen forgetting discuss human death, there is no respect for the poor man.
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Meanwhile, the disappearance of three plastic shopping bags made by a Romanian of 48 years, Robert Neamtu, ill for some time already and hospitalized a week ago, have put a lot of discussion on the case. Investigators were not certain that they were stolen by a thief as shop workers said. "Romanian deceased was holding three plastic bags, one of them full of kiwi - Andreina notes Osti, shop worker. I am convinced that the bags were taken by a woman aged about 50 years. "Even Simon Pedron, one of the employees, Contact the meat department, remembers well the Romanian.
"He was a loyal customer. He was always polite and educated. I do not understand why everyone wants to know more about the missing bag, but honestly not that alien death, which came in Italy, certainly not to steal, but to find a job that his country could not give him. " Add a comment
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