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Barbed wire does not belong to our grandparents, not ours and there will be no successors, our descendants PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ana Cojocaru   
Monday, 21 December 2009 22:44

I grew up on the bank of the Prut, are at 300 meters from the river and I considered it natural that row of barbed wire that appear on the river bank. Naturally for me mean characteristic of all border states. Fortunately or unfortunately I was convinced that it is not. Democratic states have borders, but none has barbed wire. Why would we confuse in any way barbed wire? It fitted well, is maintained and not confused anyone at first sight. There are a lot of arguments on several grounds "advantageous" communist party that barbed wire is a "AS" of sleeve: 1. Safety wire is denying membership to the Romanian Moldavian people, 2. Ghimpii show reluctance to countries with which Moldova is in direct conflict (caused by itself) 3. Yes, it's a psychological struggle that the Communists by a wire that is gained from seeing the Romanian. A mock battle that started it just a imaginary imaginary ruled for 8 years. Obviously, it is difficult to wake up to reality after eight years of political crisis. Related regulations on removing barbed wire I think it would be necessary to impose certain fines by reference to pollution and unauthorized exploitation of the territory of the bank of the Prut. How about the intentions of crossing the river by swimming, and were attempts by barbed wire, and there is a state service that deals with the avoidance of such actions: Border Guard Service.

Sirma ghimpata Cer si pamint

The 2,500 hectares are being exploited by people who have changed their mentality because those seven years at home, and education which contribute not only through good governance such as the younger generations who may participate in the training of local community on the left bank the recovery of exemplary Prut. Are simple activities to be carried out in due time under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and NGOs with the organic and beyond. All volunteers can be a change "frontier." Are to remove barbed wire on the Prut, the risk of changing my childhood memories when I saw the other side of barbed Prut through the bars. I prefer a horizon, an open future.

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Last Updated on Monday, 21 December 2009 23:25

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