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"National Day of Wine", 2010 edition PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chisinaumoldovatur   
Wednesday, 15 September 2010 15:40
"National Day of Wine", 2010 edition, approved the activities of the celebration, which will take place between 9 and 10 October
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Since ancient times people from Moldova celebrated the birth of the late harvest grapes and new wine. From 2002 until today, in the second weekend in October, Moldova is transformed into a beautiful winery, which celebrates one of the most local people - Moldovan wine. This day was declared a National Day of Wine.
The main objectives of the Festival, National Day of Wine '2010:

To enhance the celebration of the wine country where national pride, where the intertwined history of the people and traditions of winemaking.
Its tradition of annual Wine Festival, to support the prestige of the wine production in Moldova, to stimulate people's interest in quality beverages and promote a culture of wine consumption.
To attract foreign tourists to Moldova.

Nearly 100 wineries, thousands of visitors, including visitors and tourists from all over the world are in the central square of Chisinau, namely the National Square.

Wine Festival 2010 is an excellent opportunity to discover the Moldova! Who has visited at least once a Wine Festival in Moldova will not forget this amazing impressions. You can taste the best wines of Moldova, much appreciated by European consumers.
The winners will be presented national awards Gold Barrel 'and' Golden Vine ', one of the participants will be given the prestigious "Grand Prix" President, more people attended ceremonies will be awarded for the services of organizing tourist programs for the best presentation of the kitchen national.

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Last Updated on Friday, 17 September 2010 22:24

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