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Saturday 22nd of February 2025

Romania Dacia Milan PDF Print E-mail
Written by CodruBot   
Sunday, 23 May 2010 15:03

For several days, a park near my window Dacia . An old model, the Dacia Nova, gas powered, apparently. It's picturesque in its ugliness, and you wonder how she got her man from Romania to Milan. Perhaps "slowly" as Marian says.

I did not write anything about it (one day I saw the ring road and a Dacia 1310 Italian metropolis!) If I would be directly affected sleep and rest. Being parked under my window in the morning at 5.48 fixed, hear the engine starts warming. Thus, everything starts roaring like a tank, followed by strong acceleration in place (probably no one man told him that the engine heat away more quickly, not ambalandu him there). All the hullabaloo lasts until around 6.00 when our novel decides that the car is ready for a new day and the neighbors woke up completely.

In my self a question arises: Does the novel really does not passing through the mind that such a noise at 5.50 in the morning can bother?

It's hard to care about others when you come from that redneck culture is encouraged and the individual is more appreciated as "handles" better and "makes" the fools who do not behave the same level with him.

[Written by Cristian jay - cgaita.wordpress.com]

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Last Updated on Sunday, 23 May 2010 15:16

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