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A woman has won the Money Gram award PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 24 May 2010 14:17

Edith Jaomazava Elise was born in Madagascar in 1970 and lives in Italy since 1997

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She is the winner of the "MoneyGram award, the prize established by MoneyGram, a leader in the field of international money transfers, for immigrant entrepreneurs in Italy. The award is aimed at rewarding excellence of companies run by foreign entrepreneurs in Italy, especially the ability to adapt to our country's own powers of other work. The most prestigious of awards, the immigrant entrepreneur of the year prize, was awarded to a woman, Edith Elise Jaomazava, to which he was given the award for the category 'MoneyGram award' for innovation.

The winner was born in Madagascar in 1970, lives in Italy since 1997 and resides in Moncalieri, near Turin. Married with four children, founded in 2004 Sa.Va, a company of import and marketing of spices from Madagascar, whereby it has also helped to provide employment to workers in his hometown. The Sa.Va, in fact, is a large business in Italy and Madagascar, which employs about 300 people employed on farms of spice farmers in Madagascar. The purpose of Sa.Va is to create a foreign market for spices and high quality imported directly, they meet a growing demand for natural products, as the case of "bourbon vanilla, supplanted the '80s and '90s by synthetic vanilla due to a sharp increase in prices immediately from this spice. "I assume only foreign workers," he said in an interview to be published on the number of life out Friday. "In addition to being the leader, I often also a mother. The consulates in many moments of difficulty that foreigners encounter when they try their luck in Italy. When I can, I also try to provide the documents and residence permits of my employees. "

The industry awards were awarded to other leading companies. Again, there are foreign companies for women, who have won four prizes at 6. The "MoneyGram award" for the profit growth was attributed to Luz Adriana Poveda, born in Cali, Colombia, in 1965 and living in Milan since 1991. Today it enjoys with the daughter of Adriana Inc., which provides cleaning services for residential and industrial in Milan and the hinterland. The number of employees rose sharply from 18 employees in 2007 to 26 in 2009, an increase of 44% in two years. At the same time its turnover increased by 10.3%.

Hermes Gregory Villalobos Plasencia, born in 1975 in La Libertad, Peru, Italy since 1995 and now lives in Rome, was awarded the 'MoneyGram award' for employment. In 2004, after graduating in mechanical engineering in Peru and after being unemployed, did capitalize on its experience and has founded his own construction company, which now has 40 employees. In his company cooperate Peruvians, Romanians and Italians, in a synergy of cultures work. Even a tie among the winners: the 'MoneyGram award' for young entrepreneurs has been assigned, in fact, to Hannea Gemal Ali, born in Asmara, Eritrea in 1981 and in Italy since 2002, and Elena Cristina Toma, Romanian born in 1978 in Piatra Neamt and in Italy since 1998. Both reside in Milan. Hannea Gemal Ali is the owner of the "Italy Food Zula, a company active in manufacturing and marketing of food 'halal', ie those foods that meet the dictates of Islam. In 2009 its sales grew 30%, not affected by the economic crisis. Today his company has three employees and works mainly through imports from Europe. Elena Cristina Toma is a Romanian designer, after significant experience in the circuit of Italian fashion (he worked for the fashion house Krizia), he founded his own company and created the brand "Toma style" that sells shoes and clothing accessories high range for men and women. Finally, the "MoneyGram award" for social responsibility was given to Hector Villanueva David Infante, Peruvian born in Lima in 1961, and in Italy since 1992. Active in the nonprofit, founded in 1997 Occam (Observatory for Cultural and Audiovisual Communication in the Mediterranean and the world), which provides telemedicine services, e-learning, food security and international cooperation. In 2000, Occam is recognized as an autonomous institution affiliated to the United Nations and its range is extended to all poor countries with the launch of the "Infopoverty.

Source: http://www.vita.it/news/view/103767

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Last Updated on Monday, 24 May 2010 14:22

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