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Disasters and natural calamities in the past PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 18 March 2011 00:00

We are scared to such an extent the image of the disaster in Japan, so close we came to believe that planet has gone through even more frightening, some proven by geologists, archeologists and historians, others passed down from generation to generation, with their fragrance of legend. From time to sing nature shows its forces in May to demonstrate once again to all, how small and powerless we are in front of her.

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A prehistoric tragedy
Journalist Yves Miserey appreciate, in Le Figaro, as one of the most staggering disasters of the past volcanic eruption indeparat the planet is spent in Siberia 250 million years ago. In short, lava covered an area of ​​over 4 million square kilometers, asternandu is a 2 km thick on average. Impact on the planet was so strong that the eruption caused the disappearance of 90% of living species found in those days on Earth. Studies show that the volcano has evacuated 8,500 megatons air fluorine and chlorine 5,000 megatons, which have polluted the whole environment deadly. Fortunately, the volcano that has downloaded the huge energy he has not continued, so that now, Siberia is relatively quiet in this respect.
Vesuvius explodes
Ancient history has left us evidence about the famous eruption of Vesuvius, in which two people were witnesses account, personalities of the ancient world: Pliny the Elder and his nephew, mother, Pliny the Younger. On 24 August this year 79, because it's about this time, the two seem afati on a ship, it was given away to see the quake as Vesuvius, the mountain top and then a cloud of smoke gushing thick, accompanied by a flood of lava rocks. A thick river of hot mud began to bury the two nearby towns: Pompeii and Haerculaneum. Noxious fumes have killed birds in flight and many other live final. Pliny the Elder died, suffocated by toxic fumes, but his nephew was saved, living there until the year 113. It was one of the most stunning tragedies in human history, which we can see better than visiting these places, put value to tourists today.
A rash that has not made ​​any waves literally or figuratively
Coming even closer in time, be remembered volcano on the island of Saint Helena, spent on 18 May 1980, whose effects are overlooked by some, because, fortunately, has not occurred in a crowded urban areas. However, the eruption ejected from below 500 million tons of ash that reached 16 miles into the atmosphere at 800 degrees Fahrenheit temeperatrura raising. Although the island is not inhabited by humans, the phenomenon has been a disaster for flora and fauna of water, air and earth. Oceanic fauna has been estimated then that is equivalent to that destroyed located in a midsized high.
From India, Chernobyl - human error
Advancing and closer in time, begin to see how they cause disasters do not only nature, but also helps people. So, on the morning of December 2, 1984, following an incident which took place in the human plant in Bhopal (India) pesticide plant released 45 tonnes rapidly in space derivative of cyanide gas. 500,000 people were affected, of which 15,000 died. Still today, locanicii feel the consequences of this event, considered the largest industrial disaster, with long-time consequences. In competition with the disaster in India, known to join in 1986 accident at Chernobyl (Ukraine). The only case when such a disaster was immediately classified as a state secret, was released later. Inaccurate figures circulated by the Soviets did not allow accurate assessment of the number of victims, but no doubt that there were thousands of dead, and others - tens or hundreds of thousands - have long suffered.
The tragedy of a lake almost disappeared from the map
Speaking of big disasters, we must go back in time, for 60 years, the Aral Siberian lake, where its waters empty two large rivers: the Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya. The lake was 60,000 sq km (quarter as surface) and a depth of 70 m. A real big prison. After 1960, the spirit of the giant Soviet era coined a huge irrigation plan, both resulted in the diversion of rivers to overflow other receptors. The result was shown by the dramatic decline of water in Lake Aral, deep reaching in time from 70 m to 10 m. The lake has dropped 90%, fauna and flora disappeared completely related. "Clearly one of the most heinous environmental disasters in the world. I was shocked, then stunned afima Ban Ki-Moon, SecretaryGeneral of the UN.
Apocalipsele XXI century
In the century that has just started, we were given to assist the two apocalyptic moments: the great tsunami in Indonesia a few years ago and the series of earthquakes in the chain that swept Japan in these days, accompanied, too, the phenomenon of tsunami but also neasteptatele explosions in atomic power plants. If Japan had not been equipped with the most advanced technical means to manage such a crisis, the dramatic consequences of the phenomenon would have been impossible to imagine. And yet, almost every day, show new track: food shortages and even rationing their lack of electricity, fuel, industry stagnation due to disruptions in supply, and lack of manpower, not put to work. Latest information give the news that most foreigners resident in Japan and were repatriated. Even true-born Japanese are also filled with panic, that are considering leaving the country. It's truly a Western journalist recently commented that it is possible for posterity to compare the disaster we saw on television were the witnesses whose Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger, when watching "live" the tragedy of Pompeii, on their boat .


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Last Updated on Friday, 18 March 2011 00:41

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