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Completing the passport application children through embassy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 20 June 2010 13:51
Applications shall be filed by a legal representative (parent) valid ID card holder.
read in the original
To consider the request of issuing a passport for a minor through the Embassy to be submitted:
  1. Identity of the legal representative;
  2. Application (complete with the embassy);
  3. Child's birth certificate (certificate to be transcribed Italian);
  4. 4 photos 35 x 45 mm and 100x150 mm 3 photos of a minor;
  5. Medical certificate of the minor blood group, translated (only the first documentation);
  6. Moldavian marriage certificate / divorce of parents (foreign certificates to be transcribed);
  7. Notarized consent of a parent or both parents on the issue of passport (if it is presented the consent of both parents is not necessary to submit the certificate of marriage / divorce);
  8. Parent's passport;
  9. Minor's passport, if;
  10. Declaration of loss, theft or damage written and signed by the parent;
  11. The document certifying the legal finding of the juvenile in Italy (residence permit);
  12. 2 photos 100x150mm scanning;
  13. Confirmation of payment of the cost of the passport in Moldova (20 250 million).

Passports are collected from the parent requesting receipt of delivery signature. Applications received under the new procedure is sent by the Embassy of Moldova in MTIC address that will examine the dossier and perfect new passport.
The Embassy does not directly conclude passports.

[Source: Gazeta Bessarabia - Year II, no. 8 (25), 15 to 30 June 2010 - page 8]

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