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Be badantă in Italy, blessing or curse? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Plesco Natalia   
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 16:29
Badante moldava in Italia Eastern European women who are dealing with elderly people in Italy? What is their typology? We should ask also what happens in their home country after years of massive emigration began when female labor force, and the consequences on families where the mother, wife or girlfriend she is simply gone to work overseas? Goes in search of work posted in all relatively richer countries but most in Russia and Italy. Just last year, the Italian Embassy in Chisinau has issued about 25,000 visas by Moldovan citizens, working in the country would earn about 182 euros a month. Francesco Vietti an anthropology researcher tried to answer these questions by making a trip six months in Moldova, a long journey with many interviews that brought him home in the village, Pirlita a lady, Nadia, an excellent teacher with a dream of making academic career, a dream and not so satisfied and who today work in Italy as badantă.
While the importance of home care provided today by thousands of migrant women is clearly seen in Italian society, but few know the consequences of emigration to countries of origin of social workers. In Moldova and in Ukraine, Romania, market work, homes and families are "restructured" to work because of family emigration. Comprehensive family care chain involving spouses, children, relatives, neighbors and friends in a relationship, which has a serious balance issue in rural small towns women working families living in Italy. The author describes this phenomenon with great sadness, he describes as a small diary with a quiet and original narration.
The volume reveals the radical changes that occur in the native villages of women emigrants from Moldova, former Soviet countries than the border with the European Union which made most of the early 21st century immigration.
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 23:33

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