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On local border traffic permits PDF Print E-mail
Written by Vitalia Pavlicenco   
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 07:31
Q asked for fresh impressions about Moldovan
Romanian President Traian Basescu said
"These people need love."
He added: "and support".

Local border traffic AGREEMENT!

GOVERNMENT GIFT BUT is beautiful and BOC to vote Basarabia SOLID PRO BASESCU ...

TIME - Constantin Tanase: little traffic or big hoax?

The most publicized political action was the new government on local border traffic with Romania. On February 26, the Agreement entered into force and formal legal, over one million Moldovans who live within range of 50 km from the border with Romania will be able to cross the border frequently and their historical homeland to penetrate up to 50 miles border with Moldova. The initiative belongs LDPM this agreement, all this party belongs the merit of obtaining agreement. Thus, the agreement on local border traffic we have. We have but little traffic and proper?

I'm infinitely sorry, but my fear is that this small border traffic will not occur. And the blame will be the Bessarabian, as in '40, but our historical mother, Romania, our country and miss glory, but still under the occupation of politicians who do their utmost not to allow "Russians Bessarabia" pass Prut. Now these politicians have a "strong argument" - the conditions imposed by the EU! Speaking of which, a senior EU official in Chisinau told me recently that the 500 euros required to obtain a visa in Romania is an initiative of Bucharest, not ... Bucharest EU if it wants, would put 50, but 500 euros!

Burocratia mare intre Romania-Moldova

... When I saw the list of documents needed to obtain a permit traffic than the Prut, I understand that bureaucracy will bury not only Romania but also Brotherhood of Moldova! Consider just two examples.

1. Package of documents to obtain permit small traffic will be deposited at the Consular Section of the Romanian Embassy to Moldova. Thus, less allowed to get traffic, a flagship of the Old John Mieredulce Lipcani small producer Basarabia (honey) ... will have to come to Chisinau? You think will come? No, it will come.

2. List of all necessary permit is daunting! How is the condition that only "complete the form in black ink in person by the applicant before a consular employee and signed by the applicant within certain designated frame, without exceeding the outline frame. It's simply brilliant thought! A small clarification: black ink or a consulate provides each applicant must come with his ink black of course? What happens, for example, whether emblematic Old John Mieredulce sees poorly, has no glasses and, when put its signature "inside the frame that is designated" to "slightly exceed the outline frame? I will reject the application? You will need to complete another or you will be asked to come another time?

But let the joke. What makes the initiative with little traffic to be dead in the bud is the so-called "motivation" of demand. The agreement provides more reasons to get less traffic permit: the maintenance of family relationships by visiting relatives, escorting relatives to provide care, participation in economic and trade programs in the economic, scientific, cultural, health, sports, media media or in education, promotion of economic interests and economic self-support, legal problems, visiting family graves.

ru.eu/ro/component/content/article/342-despre-permisele-micului-trafic-de-frontier "target =" \_blank "> Continue reading this article.

To motivate ... motivation, our forefather John Mieredulce emblematic must obtain, respectively: "invitation authenticated, original, a notary public in Romania or the consumer, by inviting person undertakes to provide accommodation, food, any medical expenses and / or return "" medical certificate, the original numbers and date of registration, and upon diagnosis, treatment recommendation in Romania and the financing of the institution recommended medical treatment "etc. Thus, another emblematic of Bumba John Hen or Rooster Patricia emblematic of Bujor, increasing laying hens, if they want to go to Iasi, respectively Husi with hundreds of organic eggs, must show "... a letter on letterhead, original with signature and stamp management local chamber of commerce, local authority or institution that organizes events.

E-heh-heh! We know what that means! We know how and where to obtain these letters! But, by the way, what event is it? How to know, for instance, Mrs. John Hen from the event will occur Bumba Iasi over two years, from now to submit a letter on letterhead, original stamped events management institution that organizes ... ? But if not organize any event, she makes her hen eggs?

Be careful, brothers ... traffickers: if any luck fails, however, to gather all these acts, "by filing within 60 days will expect to receive permission." Not 10 to 20 days maximum, but just 60! And it is called, allegedly crossing without visas! Well with visas, brothers, run better! And another one, still hot: if unhappy than happy any dealer will violate any provision of this agreement, "the license will be revoked, and for three years and the prohibition of entry in Romania! To know him ... little trafficker ... eggs, it's not played with a country member of EU!

... In reality we are dealing with an agreement that does not favor, but, conversely, is it the old country, punitive by nature, since it prohibits and blocks traffic not only small but simple movement of Moldovans in Romania . All who have been waiting for this agreement were convinced that a formula will be found ... euroconformă - ie simple, flexible, human, fraternal, under the jurisdiction of municipalities - but not as a draconian code of bureaucracy duhneşte Romanian (euroconformă!) And Russian Stalinism and de facto, does not shift the Prut Bessarabia. Voluntarily or not, but gives the impression (bad) that the Bucharest government has pulled a political thorn "big day" of the current leadership in Chisinau, whereas it is obvious that the proposed formula, local border traffic with Romania will not take place.

It was just a bluff, of course, the brothers of Bucharest. Unionist chairman Ghimpu out this fact? (The Premier Filat not ask, and he knows why). If so, then something needs to follow something needs to change the fraternal relations between Chisinau and Bucharest. My friends know what.

Here: Permits worse as visas, Nicholas Roibu

Months in accordance with the Agreement on local border traffic, signed between the Government of Moldova and Romania, which entered into force on 26 February 2010 began issuing permits for small traffic Moldovans.

Early in the morning, before the Consular Section of the Romanian Embassy in Chisinau on Pârcălabul Vlaicu, 39, gathered more people. Some came from to Cahul, Vulcanesti, Ungheni others - from Briceni Lipcani Edinet. Irradiated with joy in their faces, being proud that, from now on, will go free boundary of the Prut, where barbed wire was removed and. Joy, however, has fallen in disgust when they gave the panel a list of documents to be submitted for permit free passage across the Prut, the radius of 50 km. Where you put that some applicants have come only with IDand passport in your pocket ...

Zidu Helen, aged 66, came to Chisinau from just Giurgiulesti village located at a distance of only seven kilometers of the Prut. "We came only with ID and passport. I knew not to introduce other acts. I lost nothing on. With my pension of 500 lei I can not handle, and, with permission, I would sell something of agricultural surpluses in the household and I would help my five children and grandchildren. Then I went to my relatives in Braila, "she says. Another woman - Catherine Croitoru in Onesti, Hincesti, aged 59 years - told us he had a visa but it expired last September. "I had the visa, but I had 500 euros, which we require.

But how do I take money, they receive a pension of 400 lei? "Frăsuia she is saying that summer went to Husi relatives, where he found work in the field - the weeding, the weeding, the collected - paid work being there ... and Vladimir Basiu, 63 years of Marandeni, Falesti told us that dreams go Prut, to sell agricultural products on the market in Iasi, where he sold more many times and where he returned with shopping for children and grandchildren ... Many of those present were left disappointed learning that a permit is more difficult to obtain than visas, and space travel is quite limited, because to go further the border area, you need a visa ...

Asked by TIME, Consul Peter lithium, Head of Section for local border traffic permits, told us that unfortunately, people are not well informed about the acts that must be present. "We gave all the information we had on Saturday and only time we have provided all the documents justifying the merits of the movement in Romania. Many people, however, have not reached their possession than Sunday or Monday, "he told us. At 13:00, when we're there, the consul told us that documents were received from 35 people. If we consider that the local border traffic have more than one million people, with such a pace, to obtain a travel pass is a very long way ...

All of TIME:

C âteva questions and more documents

Under what conditions may be issued permits small border traffic?

(A) Residents in the border area may be issued permit valid for small border traffic from 2-5 years but may exceed the validity of the passport holder or, where applicable, the travel document of the following minor conditions:

a) be in possession of a valid passport;

b) present evidence that live, legally at least a year in the border area and that there is a reasonably frequent crossing the frontier states of the Contracting Parties under the regime of local border traffic, according to the Schedule . 2 of this Agreement;

c) a threat to public order, national security, public health or international relations of states of the Contracting Parties;

d) not subject to expulsion or prohibition, or against them were not placed alerts in databases States Contracting Parties, the purpose of refusing entry.
Small border traffic permit is issued free of charge irrespective of age.

Where and when can cross the border?

(1) common border crossing by residents of states contracting parties in the border area under a small border traffic is via border crossing points open.

(2) crossing the frontier of the States of the Contracting Parties under paragraph (a) shall be in accordance with the work program agreed by the border authorities of the Contracting Parties states.

(3) In exceptional circumstancestional, border authorities of the Contracting Parties may provide that states crossing the common border traffic regime than it is conducted and places other than those set out in this or in other time slots.

Common reasons for crossing the common border states of the Contracting Parties under the regime of local border traffic can be considered the following, without exhaustive:

- Maintaining family ties by visiting relatives;

- Accompanying relatives for medical assistance;

- Participation in economic and trade programs in the economic, scientific, cultural, health, sports, media and education;

- Promotion of economic interests and economic self-support;

- Legal problems;

- Visiting family graves;

- Other reasons.

List of:

1. Application - completed with black ink personally by the applicant before a consular employee and signed by the applicant within certain designated frame, without exceeding the outline frame. Application forms are free and can be obtained at the consulate.

2. A color photograph (3.5 x 4.5), passport, of recent date.

3. Passport - valid permit may not exceed passport validity.

4. Evidence that the applicant resides legally in the border area, at least a year - and Annex ID showing that the applicant lives in the border area at least one year residence permit - for foreigners, ID - stateless persons;

Warning! When the contents of the documents does not appear that the applicant has legally resided for at least a year in the border area, they will be accompanied by a certificate on letterhead, signed and stamped by the authority issuing the document.

Documents proving that there are good reasons for frequent border crossing:

- Maintaining family ties by visiting relatives - call authenticated, original, a notary public in Romania or the consumer, by inviting person undertakes to provide accommodation, food, any medical expenses and / or return.

- Accompanying relatives for medical assistance - medical certificate, the original numbers and date of registration, and upon diagnosis, treatment recommendation in Romania and the financing of the institution of recommended medical treatment.

- Participation in economic and trade programs in the economic, scientific, cultural, health, sports, media and education - letter on letterhead, original signature and stamp of the institution which organizes events management.

- Promoting economic interests and economic self-support - letter on letterhead, original signature and stamp management local chamber of commerce, local authority or institution that organizes events.

- Overcoming legal - personal letter explanatory document issued by a court.

- Visiting family graves - Explanatory personal letter typed, documents (original or certified copy) showing the family relationship between the applicant and the deceased, letter on letterhead, original, signed and stamped by the local authority leadership showing that grave is located within the locality concerned.

- Other reasons - declaration as authentic, original toa notary public in Romania or the consumer, explaining in detail why and its merits.

All papers will be presented in Romanian. If you miss a document, your request will be allowed once made, attaching all necessary documents.

After submission of documents within 60 days you expect to receive the permit, which is issued free of charge and is valid from two to five years. Where will violate this provision, the permit could be withdrawn and will be for three years the prohibition on entry into Romania.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 March 2010 09:37

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