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The man who saved the world from World War III PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 17 February 2011 21:53

In 1962, the Soviet Union decides to secretly deploy ballistic nuclear missiles in Cuba as it can attack targets throughout the United States of America. International crisis that followed led the world to the brink of nuclear war, throughout history mankind never was closer to its end.

Although ultimately compromises made by Khrushchev and Kennedy have defused the situation, gratitude for saving the world should I return Vasili Arkhipov.
Soviet Navy Officer remained unknown for more than 40 years, Arkhipov managed to persuade the commander of the submarine that served to not launch a nuclear torpedo against a group of American vessels that sprouted Soviet battleship. If it were otherwise, it certainly would have started the Third World War.
Amplasasera United States in 1961 in Italy and Turkey nuclear missiles capable of reaching Moscow. Soviet Union, feeling threatened by these actions, he decided to build bases to launch their nuclear missiles in Cuba.
The agreement between the two communist countries and was relieved that the U.S. had tried many times to overthrow Fidel Castro's regime. The best example is the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 or Mangusta operation, whose purpose was to initiate a popular uprising against Fidel Castro in 1962.
On October 14, U2 spy plane discovered the American nuclear bases. In response, there is a military blockade on the Cuban state. Kennedy asked the Soviet Union to stop the transport of nuclear weapons in Cuba and to dismantle the bases under construction or completed. Although it seemed that the war was getting closer and closer, behind the scenes talks took place between the diplomats of both countries.
On October 28 the crisis is over, the United States committing to not invade Cuba and to withdraw some nuclear missiles located in Italy and Europe and the Soviet Union to withdraw its missiles from Cuba.
But the day before, stood B59 Soviet submarine near Cuba, when he was caught by a group of 11 destroyers and an aircraft carrier. The Americans have launched depth charges to force the Soviet ship to rise for identification ...


Captain Valentin Savitsky began with the impression that the war has decided to launch a nuclear torpedo against aggressors. But the launch from a strict protocol. Unanimous consent was required of the captain Savitsky, seconds Arkhipov and political officer Ivan Maslennikov.
A quarrel broke out between Savitsky and Maslennikov, who intended to attack American ships, and Arkhipov, who is completely opposed to such actions. Mankind now hangs by a thread, any decision can have a catastrophic effect. The negotiations were at a standstill, after an incident and inflammatory statements.
To understand the gravity of the situation, U.S. military blockade was considered an act of war. The U.S. action was met with protests from the communist states.
Khrushchev said that the blockade is an act of aggression that will throw humanity into the abyss of a worldwide nuclear war and threatened the U.S. with war if they would attack Cuba or the Soviet ship was heading toward the Caribbean island.
For the first time in American history, the bombers were prepared to launch a counterattack against Soviet nuclear and intercontinental missiles just waiting for the order to attack. United States prepared and the first stages of an invasion in Cuba, which would be started on 28 October. Moreover, Khrushchev, Castro urged him to attack the U.S. first, to surprise.
On October 27, NATO members are informed to prepare for the conflict to come. The same day, called apt "Black Friday", the CIA, Kennedy announces that all missiles in Cuba are functional and ready to go ....
To add tension, a U2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba by the Soviets and another had made an unauthorized flight over the Soviet Union's eastern border. A number of MiGs to intercept the plane had started and the Americans in turn have launched planes for possible combat attack. All that was missing to ignite the nuclear fires it was just a spark. A spark that Arkhipov not let her catch fire.
For four hours, the boat was rocked by explosions loads. Inside temperature up to 50 degrees and carbon dioxide flooding compartments. Sailors began to pass out one by one due to lack of oxygen.
Vadim Orlov, communications officer, recalled that after the four o'clock Captain Savitski, angry, threatening "I'll attack now! We will die but we will all sink. We will not embarrass Marina.
Captain ordered to load the torpedo, but Arkhipov opposes the initiative. Captain is calmed down finally and Arkhipov and is convinced to raise the submarine surface. Not knowing what to expect out of the Soviet vessel depths at which time the U.S. attacks stop.
In 2002, during a conference in Havana, dedicated to the crisis of 1962, Robert McNamara admitted that the world was closer to the precipice than expected and Thomas Blanton of the National Security Archives of the United States said that "a man named Vasili Arkhipov saved the world. "

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Last Updated on Friday, 18 February 2011 13:07

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