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Pro-Diaspora Center Foundation Moldova " PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sined   
Tuesday, 29 June 2010 08:29

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  • Create a network of associations between Moldovan collaborare Italy
  • Organization and support activities to preserve national and cultural identity of the Moldovan diaspora in Italy
  • Supporting the process of structuring the Moldovan diaspora through support and establishment of public associations
  • Attracting potential representatives of the Moldovan diaspora in the development of collaborative relationships with institutions of the Republic of Moldova and Italy
  • Protection of national-cultural rights and interests of Moldovans in Italy in accordance with international human rights standards and laws of the country of residence

Planned activities - activities to support and strengthen the Moldovan diaspora:

  • SOCIAL AND CULTURAL EVENTS: organization and conduct of associations of Moldovans in Italy impregnated with the social-cultural events in order to maintain and promuova language and culture, traditions Nazionale and strengthening relations with the Republic of Moldova;
  • iniziative different organization in order to facilitate access to sources infomaţionale Moldovan diaspora representatives of the Republic of Moldova
  • SEMINARS format for continuing education association presidents to work with international donor organizations and increasing capacity to attract and use foreign financial resources, developing and implementing joint projects with other non - profit organizations to address problems of Moldovans in Italy
  • ROUNDTABLES involving social associations, the creation and initiation of partnerships between
  • Moldovan associations in Italy
  • INFORMATION Counter for supporting, encouraging and assisting the Moldovan non-government organizations in Italy and drafting technical assistance for associations and their cooperation with local authorities to promote the interests of Moldovans in Italy
  • STUDIES AND RESEARCH publicizarea monitoring and socio-cultural activities in Italy Moldova asociattilor


Monitoring and evaluation results will be made throughout the entire year of implementation of project activities carried out by finantiatorii realizatoare association with support.


It is expected that further development of relations between the Moldovan diaspora associations in Italy to maintain and strengthen the link between the Moldovan diaspora Repubblica in Italy and Moldova, will maintain promuova identity, culture and traditions Nazionale those rights will be protected from Moldova Italy;


  • The number of actions to promote cooperation between Moldovan associations in Italy
  • Number of ongoing training iniziativelor asociationizmului presidents and members of associations
  • Number of agreements signed between developed and associations in Italy
  • The number of associations supported the Moldovan diaspora in activity retention of national-cultural
  • Number Moldovan diaspora associations founded in November.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 09:50

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