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Sunday 09th of March 2025

Life in the city and the Internet affects the brain PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 09 January 2011 13:16

According to scientists, just five minutes on a busy street may reduce ability to concentrate. Also, an intensive and prolonged use of the Internet lead to profound changes in the brain of a man, the latter losing the ability to think systematically and deeply. Life in big cities to memory, reduced attention and can lead to mental exhaustion, according to U.S. researchers. They argue that the human brain must cope every day a huge number of small stimuli because of the usual urban noise, and man is forced to give all their attention, even when his brain is overloaded, AP quoted by Agerpres. Therefore, the human brain has to be in a state of constant struggle, "which causes the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. Most recent studies have shown that in neurosurgery while browsing the Internet is rapidly developing two areas of the brain: the part that is responsible for short-term memory and the center responsible for quick decisions. However, deep brain areas responsible for the detailed analysis of the fundamental issues affecting all aspects of life and human activities do not receive the necessary impetus and intensity of their activity is reduced. The researchers also found that people who solve crosswords and puzzles regularly can benefit more for a healthy mind and a good memory, but even they are not exempted from senility.


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Last Updated on Sunday, 09 January 2011 13:45

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