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The integration of immigrants in Italy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 19:13

The report data CNEL. L 'India beat Romania in the integration work list, even though it ranks ninth for number of residents and the tenth by number of employees.

ROME - India beats Romania in the list of good employment for immigrants in our country even if you place the 9th highest number of residents and 10th for number of employees, areas where the Romanians stand out. It 'as stated in the seventh report on the CNEL index of integration of immigrants in Italy. This figure, says the study, some unexpected proceeds on the top 20 communities of immigrants living on the Italian territory, including Romanians "because the formal accession of Romania - says the text - has not come unless the problems previously found in terms of reception and integration paths. " In second place just Romania, then Moldova in excess of Albania, Ukraine and Morocco. Below, in the intermediate zone, China, Philippines, Peru and Bangladesh. In the bottom of the list Serbia, Egypt, Ghana, Tunisia, Senegal and Macedonia. In the end Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Pakistan and Nigeria. A ranking, the report says, "elaborated on the basis of texture and dynamic employment of individual communities in 2008."

Based on the number of residents, the methodology has been to base the comparison on a range of employment indicators Inail through the incorporation of a first index with absolute values (employees, new hires, sales workers, business owners) and a second in percent (annual sales of employed and employment rate of conversion of hours worked in full-time positions, changes in wages). A ranking but only partially coincides with that of residents and the total number of employees who instead sees the primacy of source countries such as Romania, Albania and Morocco. "The differences depend on the higher rate of activity of some communities than others." Annual changes, the report says, that "diminish the weight of the absolute values and as Romania, Albania and Morocco, even if they remain among the top communities are located near national numerically smaller groups such as Moldova, the ' Ukraine and India. " But despite the ranking, says the CNEL, "job placement is just one of the factors that make the integration process, which is influenced by too many social variables such as family reunification, the presence of children, access to citizenship and so way ".

to overcome.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 19:19

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