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Secret "Mona Lisa" has been deciphered PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 19 July 2010 06:57

Although the enigmatic smile is still a mystery, French researchers have discovered a few secrets about how famous work was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa." The researchers studied seven of Leonardo's works from the Louvre Museum, including the Mona Lisa, and analyzed the technical success and very thin layers of paint, which gives his paintings that mystery. Experts from the Center for Research and Restoration of the French museum has found that da Vinci used up to 30 layers of paint in his paintings to achieve subtle alternation of light and shadow. Added, the layers were less than 40 micrometers, or about half the thickness of a hair, said lead researcher Philippe Walter, quoted by the Associated Press. The technique, called "sfumato", he allowed da Vinci to create an illusion of depth and shadow. The technique is known, but research on them was limited. French researchers have used a noninvasive technique to study the X-ray layers and their chemical composition. The device is so precise that "we can now find the mixture of pigment used for each layer painter," said Walter. Through analysis of several paintings, experts have also found that da Vinci constantly experience new techniques. To achieve the painting "Mona Lisa" of manganese oxide he used for shadows. In others, used copper.


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Last Updated on Monday, 19 July 2010 07:16

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