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SME - Supporting Migrant’s Entrepreneurship PDF Print E-mail
Written by Andrean   
Thursday, 29 July 2010 17:54
"SME - Supporting Migrant’s Entrepreneurship: creating innovative facilities to support migrants economic initiatives in the countries of origin” co-financed by IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development, with beneficiaries Romanian and Moldovan citizens in Italy, this project is led by the Veneto Region (Veneto Lavoro), brings together a group of public and private local actors in Italy and Romania namely Veneto Lavoro, Banca Etica, Ethimos, Veneto Region (Brussels delegation) and Veneto Banca from Italy and the Fundaţia Dezvoltarea Popoarelor from Romania. The General Objectives of the SME project are to improve access to remittance transmission in rural areas and to develop innovative and productive rural investment channels for migrants and community-based organizations and also provides information services and consultancy to foreign nationals who choose to start a business in the country of origin.
In terms of specific objectives, the project intends:
- to highlight the entrepreneurship attitude in migrants
- to make migrant population able to efficiently use economic resources deriving from their work activity in Veneto
- to channel economic and human capital in development tools for the countries of origin
- to generate a private-public partnership in order to collect main stakeholders able to generate ideal conditions to support economic initiatives of migrants in sending countries
- to improve information and communication channel between migrants associations and the respective communities of origin

The best ideas will be selected and, in order to go forth in their implementation, Veneto Lavoro and the network of partners will provide specific support and free specialized services to facilitate the creation and the start-up of entrepreneurial activities.
The competition foresees two categories of "business ideas" Category 1 "Eureka!!!" and Category 2 "Natural-Born Entrepreneur" .The deadline for submitting ideas is 31/10/2010.
The full text of the notice of competition and participation forms will be download-able from the website of Veneto Lavoro in the “Bandi e concorsi” section or from the Return Information Desk website starting from the first week of August.

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Last Updated on Thursday, 29 July 2010 19:10

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