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Sunday 09th of March 2025

Internet in the twenty-first century PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 09 August 2010 15:20
"The latest sutdii shows that the accelerated development of broadband Internet can lead to the establishment of a million jobs," said Kroes. It showed that high-speed Internet networks now have the same revolutionary effect they have had electricity or development of public transport in previous centuries. In his view, the European market fragmentation and complexity of computer technology hampering the development of specialized companies in the sector. 2015 Kroes wants to create a genuine European internal market in IT. "I want to reach a balance so that future companies like Google and Skype have a chance to flourish in Europe, to develop and remain," said Kroes. Information and communication technologies is already 5% of value added in Europe, the Commissioner added that the aims of EU citizens have access to fast Internet by 2013 and high-speed Internet by 2020.
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