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Roma, the subject of debate in Parliament PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 09 September 2010 17:20

French and Italian press have put the cannon on the Roma in Romania and the Bucharest authorities in Slovakia a Gypsy family was massacred by a psychopath, the extreme right in Hungary required Roma expelled from the cities. Although the problems are not new, the European Commission launched the first program aimed at Roma until April 2010. Spending billions of euros available to the states is more efficient than hard quantifiable lucrative projects. According to The Economist, the annual cost of the failure of integration of Roma is 5.7 billion. "If humanitarian arguments are not sufficient, perhaps the economic and demographic can have an effect," wrote the British magazine dedicated to the Roma in Europe's policies. Although officials in Brussels know that Romania and Bulgaria's EU accession in 2007, the Roma community will increase by about 40% of the EU, the European Commission announced, emphatically, until 2010, writing the first political program dedicated to the minority. Communication is about economic and social integration of Roma in Europe. In this document, it states that the legislative tools at its disposal are the directive on free movement of EU citizens and decision-discrimination directive to combat discrimination, racism and xenophobia, which is a very general law, the governments in Paris and Rome are easily gaps. If no specific legislation is like, the same can be said about the EU funds. Brussels provide the Member States of the European Social Fund (75 billion euros for 2007-2013). 12 states have announced specific measures to Roma for the ESF. France is not among them. Part of the new EU member states have invested in projects aimed at Roma 27% of these funds. Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Spain have earmarked 172 million euros for activities for Roma. Romania and Ungraia have allocated 50% of social funds have returned. In Ireland, the percentage was 99.5%. How effectively these funds are invested into each state authorities. It is for them to determine how the money European Commission just doing random checks. Always devoid of leaders Roma comuniăţile can not manage the funds themselves. In some Member States, few European funds are targeted to Roma. For example, the EQUAL initiative, implemented by 2008, Germany, Italy and France have invested only 1% of funding for dedicated action Roma. A European Commission document, drawn up during the current campaign in France securitare shows that Romania has earmarked over 20 times more money in Roma integration projects funded by the European Social Fund than it did in France (33 045. 853 euro to 1,476,400 euro).

read in the original
France: liberty, equality and second class citizens
France does not recognize, the constitution, the existence of ethnic minorities, the rule providing freedom, equality and fraternity for all. Not for so-called "gens of Voyage", ie French Roma citizens. They are second-class citizens, have no vote unless they are attached to a municipality for three years to six months for other citizens. They must submit to the police every six months to get a special visa for travelers. How money was spent on European integration of Roma is difficult to follow, whereas the French statistics do not take account of minorities.
Italy does not recognize Gypsies
Roma in Romania are not the first to be migrated to Italy. During the war in former Yugoslavia, large numbers of Roma from the Balkans arrived in the peninsula. Moreover, Italy has its own community of gypsies, but does not recognize as a minority. The official justification: that this community needed to be stable over time and space in Italy. Thus, a population exceeding 100,000 inhabitants has minority status, but granted, for example, Occitan or Furlan. Unlike Italy, Austria recognized the Gypsies as a national minority, in 1993, after a series of bombings against them, in the border region with Austria.
Nomadism, a disease in Switzerland 60s
During 1930-1970, in Switzerland, Roma children were taken forcibly from the family and then educated in special schools to be classed as workers in areas less attractive to Swiss. The state later agreed that the measure violated human rights. "Nomadism, and other dangerous diseases, is transmitted primarily by women," wrote Alfred Siegfried 1964, the developer of this program, sometimes involving forced sterilization. Live in Switzerland now only a few thousand Gypsies.
Along with Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary are EU countries with the most significant Roma minorities. In the absence of specific legislation in these countries occurred parallel societies.
Segregation in Slovakia
If Slovakia is symptomatic. International Amnsesty here show that 60% of pupils of special schools are Roma. Roma community living on the outskirts of towns, and sometimes local authorities have built walls that separates the Roma from the rest of the settlement. Former Prime Minister Fico Robert even proposed the establishment of boarding schools for Roma children, to break the nomadic life. Otherwise "we will raise a new generation of people incapable of being useful to society," Fico said during the election campaign this spring.
Czech Republic: sterilization for a company "clean"
In a population of 10.4 million inhabitants, 300,000 live in the Czech Roma, the government adopted a national action plan against the segregation of Roma students. Segregation of Roma children in social institutions and admission practices which were the Czech Republic has been convicted by the European Commission and the UN, Roma case weigh heavily in the country's EU accession in 2004. Former Prime Minister Jan Fischer, his wife and his son needed police protection when they launched a campaign to help the Roma, because of threatening letters received by the extremists.
The biggest blemish on the face of the government in Prague was common practice sterilization of Roma women during the communist regime. Women had no knowledge of what would happen to them. In 2009, the Prague government has recognized that there were hundreds of such cases and seek between the Czech Republic to EU membership.
Threat of civil war in Hungary
Estimates vary between 500,000 and 600,000 Roma in a population of ten million inhabitants. The government decided in 2009 to triple the budget for demolition of Roma camps, relocation and support the integration in the public. But econ crisisOMIC Budapest led to revise their plans to reduce employment and under. Hungarian extreme right, the third political force in the country, has asked the government to set up Roma camps, threatening civil war if they will live in cities Hungarian. In the last two years, the Roma in Hungary have been the target of several attacks by extremists, resulting in deaths.


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