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Three moldai stole the bike fan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:28

Waiting for the whistle to make the bicycles left in the raid zone Tardini by fans pledged to follow the exploits of Parma. Three young Moldovans, aged 19 to 27 years, were a sure: with big nippers in the roamed the streets around the stadium, waiting for the start of the game. Then in 90 minutes and scored more hits as possible, certain that the owners of the vehicles they would be caught in the act. Once broken chains and padlocks, and brought the bike in a garage in Via Bandini, become a real repository of stolen bikes.

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The activities of the gang, however, was interrupted by police. The military had received several reports of thefts in the area the stadium during games, so the checks have intensified in the nearby streets. A patrol around 14:30 so he noticed two young men riding bicycles pedaled away hastily into a courtyard in Bandini. There, they waited another boy in a backpack that held a large pair of wire cutters. In addition, the search has allowed him to find young padlocks and chains broken. The three were found in possession of a stolen bike just a dad who accompanied his son to watch the game. In the garage and the courtyard were seized a total of seven vehicles that are stolen. For the three boys, all of Moldovan nationality, unemployed and recently arrived in Italy, have gone off in handcuffs. Today has been validated during the process to stop direct route: they must wait for the court to remain in prison.


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Last Updated on Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:37

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