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Wednesday 12th of March 2025

In 300 years, cities will be uninhabitable PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 28 October 2010 15:52

Climate change will make life unbearable in the big cities of the world by the end of the century XXIII. Humidity and temperature will reach such values, that they will not simply live in such conditions.

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At the conclusion reached by experts from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, reports Focus informational portal.
Researchers believe that in cities like New Delhi, Moscow, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro and other major urban centers around the world will be so warm and wet, that will be almost impossible to breathe in such an atmosphere. As a result, people will be forced to leave the cities that will become unfit for daily living.
Underlying these forecasts are grim expert information about climate change and dynamic rate of growth of average annual temperatures.
Professor Stephen Sherwood, one of the participants in the study, said he was surprised by the results of these calculations: by the time the cities will be deserted, remained at least 300 years.
In support of their estimates, the scientists bring concrete examples of late, between the heat wave that hit Europe in 2003 resulted in tens of thousands of victims.
2003 heat wave killed over 4,000 and 13,000 deaths in Italy in France, the European country most affected by temperatures of seven years ago. In summer, temperatures were recorded unprecedented in Russia and especially in Moscow, where the mortality rate increased in July by 4-5 times.


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