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Died the great musician, George Budulica PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 28 October 2010 21:05

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Noted musician George Budulea, director of the Palace of Culture in Ungheni, died, yesterday night at the age of 61 years following a cardiac arrest.
George Budulea returned the day before his death in Poland, where, together with the band "Struguras" Ungheni, gave an outstanding performance to the public. This last trip was the last show of fiddler George Budulea.
Last year, when he reached the age of 60 years, George Budulea and launched his own CD with a series of superb fiddler songs. His son - Vyacheslav known singer of the band "Premier Ministr" of the Russian Federation - has helped to edit this CD.
Locals say that George Budulea whole life was modest and was appreciated and loved that job, devoted body and soul music. He played in the band "Fluieras in Chisinau, but preferred to serve Ungheni culture. There was never ashamed to say that it comes from a family of Roma musicians, who were deported to Siberia during the infamous.
Budulea George was director of the Palace of Culture in Ungheni more than three decades.


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Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2010 12:48

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