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Communist Party likely to be excluded from the electoral race PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 29 October 2010 12:40

A month before parliamentary elections scheduled for November 28, the Moldovan media questioned the veracity of the financial report of the Communist Party of Moldova (PCRM), which risked exclusion from the election race.

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A young man of 23 years, Anton Levitchi, donors on the list even though the Communist Party has a job. According to PCRM, it would be donating 250,000 lei (15,500 euros) for the electoral campaign.
Contacted by journalists from Unimed, the young father said he was shocked by what you hear. "Impossible! Not have much money in the house," he said, saying that Communist Party members had used a fraudulent ID card copy of his son.
Anton Levitchi of Noi, which according to PCRM has donated 250,000 lei for the party's election campaign, has not recorded any income over the past three years, according to information submitted by the State Tax Service, which said it would be unemployed.
The text to both Anton Levitchi, and Vitaly Gusev, another financier of PCRM, come from families with low incomes. Mother latest, Valentina, told television station that the family lives today for tomorrow. Precisely for this reason, the young, which would be funded with 15,000 euros Communist Party, went to work in Russia.
"If the Communist Party faction will show that falsified reports filed with the Central Elections Commission, this income will be declared invalid and will ask the Supreme Court that the Communist Party in Moldova to be excluded from running for parliamentary elections of 28 November," Central Election Commission secretary said Iurie Hammer.


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Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2010 12:48

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