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TorrentsMd.com - handling of it! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Sined   
Saturday, 30 October 2010 16:37

read in the original

I followed closely the case of "Suspension TorrentsMD" and I assure you that we were able to predict with amazing accuracy on the reactivation of the portal server. And statements by politicians during the blockade and only confirmed that I fear to say that this was a simple and shameful manipulation.

We propose an excerpt from an article on unimadia.md taken and published on our website and a few days ago.

For public access to the site have been lobbying both the prime minister of the country, Filat and interim president, Ghimpu. The statements were accompanied by their attention on the subject of the Tudor Darie, adviser to Prime Minister on youth issues and the liberal youth.

Do we really had to deal with these politicians? He stayed less than a month before the election, why are not involved in the campaign? Or is this and their campaign?

VAM voted in November! But that does not mean you can continue what the Communists did in the last decade! WILL NOT ALLOW YOU!

Yes, I am for freedom of expression and free access to multimedia material but that does not give you any right to use what we all know what the personal or party interests.

My crime is curiosity. (The Mentor)
YES! I am a criminal. My crime is curiosity. My crime is to judge what the world says or thinks, not what it seems ... My crime is to be smarter than you, which you can not ever forgive me. I am a hacker, and this is my testament. Can you stop me, but never one to stop them all ... after all we are all alike ... huh?

Sined Darii

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Last Updated on Saturday, 30 October 2010 17:26

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