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Thought of "democratic" and "national" of the Communist Party PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 08 November 2010 10:49

Please read our tactics to promote "democracy" by the Communist Party. This letter was sent to Vladimir Voronin also sent to the editorial by someone who wants to get out of this game led by the Communist Party of totalitarianism.

read in the original

Strictly Confidential

PCRM President Voronin VN

The PCRM's position against the referendum and our tactics during the election campaign

Dear Mr. President,

On June 13 she will place the Communist Party plenum that will have to take a decision on the Communist Party tactics against the referendum to amend the Constitution initiated by the IEA. I believe that the only fair solution for the Communist Party is boycotting the referendum, because if successful it will be organized Communist Party will not be a candidate for president able to fight our opponents base, and Lupu Fialt.
You have to understand that if you build correct AEI pro referendum campaign, boycott the referendum will not be easy to achieve. That is why achieving this goal will require the involvement of each party member individually.
In addition to mobilizing the party will be put in place additional scenarios that would create confusion and deprive the people the motivation to go to the polls. In this respect, it is necessary to affect the two contenders for the presidential chair - Lupu and spinning. To compromise Lupu, in addition to the projects on which we agreed, may be used in the conflict between V. and V. Topa Plahotniuc and launching a campaign to compromise anti Plahotniuc Lupu. It is necessary to convince every voter that when you say actually say Plahotniuc Lupu. The project should be implemented simultaneously with the official launch of the campaign to boycott the referendum.
For Filat compromise must be brought to the attention of public opinion all smuggling and privatization scandals in which he was involved. Even if these things were said and did not produce the desired effect is necessary to return to each episode in part because each voter when you hear the word Fialt associate him with "smuggler."
Both for the compromised Lupu, and used his alliance with Fialt must Ghimpu and hatred towards a particular part of the Romanian population. You need to tell voters that say Ghimpu unionist and Alliance is the real leader and Lupu Filat unionists are camouflaged. In reality they are puppets of Ghimpu and pro-European rhetoric is a camouflage for Moldovan statehood and unification of Moldova with Romania.
The success of a boycott of the referendum will depend largely on the involvement of party structures. You know very well that after eight years of stay in power, our structures are not prepared to act in opposition, many of those who are with us have become party members to accede to positions of state. Many who have worked in our election campaigns locally in recent years are affected. To raise the morale of our party members is required to be stated that the plenary the 10 steps that will make them immediately after the Communist Party in power:
Setting up a committee within the party (Zagorodnaii, Misin Sirbu) would prepare proposals for the annulment of all laws passed by parliament under the leadership of Ghimpu.
Immediate recall of all ambassadors appointed by the government Filat.
The dismissal of Prosecutor General Zubco and return to office of former Attorney V. Gurbulea
Taking immediate control and the ISS by restoring and A. Gh Papuc Resetnikov in these institutions.
Attracting the criminal responsibility of leaders of the IEA and traitors who have abandoned the Communist Party.
Attracting busnesmanilor criminally liable parties who have financially supported the alliance in the period when the opposition Communist Party.
Restrict full access to our citizens in Romania (including studii).
Reintroduction of visa requirements for Romanian citizens, restoration of barbed wire on the Prut and consideration of RM exit of the Convention on border traffic.
Close Consulates of Romania in Balti and Cahul.
Resumption of external efforts to block the procedure for granting the Romanian citizenship.

To achieve the desired effect and electoral propaganda, these measures are to be announced after the successful boycott of the referendum.
Please very strongly, dear Vladimir Nikolayevich, to review proposals as soon as possible and let us know about the decision that we can prepare materials to the plenary of 13 June
Sincerely, Mark Tkachuk
June 7, 2010


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