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Vanga and Nostradamus about the end of the world PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Tuesday, 07 December 2010 14:00

Baba Vanga, the famous Bulgarian clarvazatoarea, left behind a long list of projections, which extend until 5079, the year the world will end, according to her. Most of them are catastrophic, aiming to bring radical changes in the evolution of humanity.

read in the original
Has been talking about this subject and there were many predictions that were not true. Announces the end of the world are still 2,000 years, but it is all "delay."
We expect 2000 to see the end of the world comes only in 2012, after which other "seers" have predicted that the correct year is 2013 row, 2016, 2022, 2032 and the string can no longer believes in continua.Desi end of the world missed forecasts after all, they continue to appear everywhere. If Nostradamus has lost its charm, Baba Vanga gaining ground, as predictions bulgaroaicei fashionable in this period.
End of the World in 5079, the depopulation of Europe Resettlement communism, building a artificial sun, starting wars, even on Mars, human communication with God, eternal life or people moving into another solar system are just some of the forecasts Vang, according Site Astral's The World.
Here is a chronological list of predictions:

2011 - Muslims start a war against the Europeans. Because radioactive rain in the northern hemisphere, no animals and no plants will not survive.

2014 - Most people on the planet is sick with skin cancer.

2016 - Start depopulation of Europe.

2018 - China becomes the new world power.

2023 - Earth's orbit changes slightly.

2025 - Europe is devastated.

2028 - To develop a new energy source.

2033 - Ice at the poles melts. Ocean level is rising.

2043 - Muslim conquest of Europe. The global economy is flourishing.

2046 - Cloning is easily accessible.

2076 - The world is again led by communists.

2084 - Is the rebirth of nature.

2088 - A new disease strikes the planet. People grow old in a few seconds.

2097 - The disease is cured.

2100 - An artificial sun lights up the dark side of the planet.

2111 - People become robots.

2123 - Start a small war between the states. The great powers did not intervene.

2125 - Hungary receives signals from the cosmos.

2130 - begin to form colonies under water.

2164 - Animals become half-humans.

2167 - formed a new religion.

2170 - Year of a great drought.

2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from Earth.

2187 - The eruption of two volcanoes is successfully interrupted.

2195 - Colonia underwater, fully developed, abundant energy and food.

2196 - Complete mixing of Asians with Europeans.

2201 - Sun slows heat issue. Temperatures drop suddenly.

2221 - The search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.

2256 - A Terra spacecraft brings a terrible disease.

2262 - The planets change their orbits. Mars is threatened by a comet.

2271 - The physical constants are changed. They change the laws of physics.

2273 - a new human race is born.

2279 - A black hole will generate power.

2288 - The journey through time reveals. It established new contacts with extraterrestrials.

2291 - Sun cools.

2296 - strong sun rashes. Changing the force of gravity. Start to fall old space stations and satellites.

2299 - France fight against Islam.

2302 - To discover new laws of the universe.

2304 - Mystery of the Moon is uncovered.

2341 - Something is approaching Earth from space.

2354 - An accident on an artificial Sun leads to drought.

2371 - Year of the Great Famine.

2378 - A new beginning to grow rapidly.

2480 - Earth is in darkness.

3005 - Start a war on Mars.

3010 - A comet hits the moon.

3797 - There's no life on Earth, but people will be able to live in other solar systems.

3803 - Another planet is populated, people are mutated because of the climate.

3805 - A new war broke out because of limited resources. Half the people perish.

3815 - War ends.

3854 - The development of civilization stops.

3871 - A new prophet appeals to moral and religious values.

3874 - The prophet receives support people to organize a new church.

3878 - Together with the Church, trying to rediscover the ancient sciences.

4302 - New cities get larger. New Church encourages the development of new technologies.

4302 - Scientists have discovered the behavior of all diseases in the body.

4304 - universal treatment is discovered. Any disease can be cured.

4308 - Because of mutations, humans have the ability to use more than 34% of the brain. They completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.

4509 - Knowing God. We attain can communicate with God.

4599 - Eternal life becomes possible.

4674 - The development of civilization reached its climax. Number of people living on different planets reach about 340 billion.

5076 - To discover the limits of the universe.

5079 -THE END


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Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 December 2010 14:09

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