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The most corrupt countries in the world PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 09 December 2010 16:48

A report by Transparency International shows that the world is more corrupt than three years ago when a similar study was conducted. On the front positions in this classification are Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and India, followed by China, Russia and the large square in the Middle East. The report said that political parties are seen as most corrupt institutions, 50% of those surveyed 90,000 people from 86 countries, the government is not responding effectively to solve the problem.

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One in four people surveyed admitted that they gave bribes last year, most by police. 29% of the bribes came from people in uniform, while 14% were headed to court, according to BBC.
Political parties were viewed as most corrupt in Transparency International's 2004 report, while 71% said they are the most corrupt institutions. This year, 80% of those polled said the same thing. The representatives of religion are viewed with more doubt than ever, half of those surveyed saying that they are corrupt, an increase of 28%, how many thought so in 2004.
In sub-Saharan Africa, 67% of bribes were given to the problems with the authorities to be avoided. In Arab countries and Latin America, most of the bribes were given to rush things.
In Asia-Pacific region, 35% of people gave bribes to get a job at which they were entitled, and in North America and the EU, those who gave bribes but do not remember why.
Those who live in Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and India felt most strongly corruption in everyday life, at least half of the respondents who live in these countries, saying that they gave bribes last year.
84% of Cambodia's citizens and 89% of Liberians give bribes, while in the Netherlands, the percentage of those who give bribes is 0%.
Bribery is less common in the EU and America Notrd, is mentioned in the report (5%).
Simultaneously, a BBC survey, which included 13,000 respondents from 26 countries, showed that corruption is the subject matter, about one in five people talking about it last month. It speaks more about corruption than about the lack of jobs, higher costs for food or energy or climate change.
Especially people from Brazil, Egypt, Colombia, Philippines and Kenya see corruption as an extremely serious problem, being the main topic of discussion. In Europe, Italians are most concerned about corruption.


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