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Sunday 09th of March 2025

Foot born 2012 apocalypse business billions PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Monday, 03 January 2011 11:35

The discovery of a Mayan calendar, whose timing is off in 2012 led to the outline of a theory with a large number of followers, according to which the world will end on 21 December 2012. Apocalypse Fever has generated a large-scale business, valued at billions of dollars worldwide, reports dcnews. Apocalyptic psychosis after she brought a flourishing industry. The first winner of survival and adaptation are manual and, in general, books that talk about the end of the world, reaching record sales. Another example is the movie "2012", which Dutu calls it an "interesting production techniques used in handling, but overshadowed by coarse commercial interest." Profitable businesses have proved to bunkers and things necessary or appropriate in case of disaster. For example, a California company sells underground shelters worth 200 million dollars to save 3,000 people. Among the countries most affected by possible Revelation is France, where, for example, it is rumored that a small village with only 200 inhabitants, Bugarach, and several parcels in the Pyrenees will be spared the calamity. Information circulated on the Internet quickly and village was under assault, and the houses began to sell at a price greater than four times the real one.

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Besides all this, we are witnessing a large advertising campaign, supported by sales of shirts, video games, colored pens or hats, which seem to promote the launch of Hollywood blockbusters. Apocalyptic predictions were correlated with several major events, whose probability is relatively frequently evoked production. They should be alignment between Earth, Sun and the center of our galaxy, the ordering on the same axis of all the planets in our solar system, Earth's magnetic poles reverse, very intense activity of the Sun and the collision of Nibiru and Planet Earth.
Man will disappear someday, sooner or later. But nobody can tell us when!


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