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Sunday 09th of March 2025

Moldova ranks 120 of 179 countries in a global ranking of economic freedom PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 16 January 2011 12:49

According to annual rankings conducted by the Heritage Foundation in conjunction with the Wall Street Journal, in 2011, Moldova ranks 120 of 179 countries in terms of economic freedom. According to the study, Moldova has advanced five places compared with last year's position. Gaining 55.7 points, our country is below the global average of 59.7 points below the regional and 66.8 points. In the region of Moldova was ranked 40 out of 43.

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The main areas where increased levels of economic freedom are: trade, taxation, government spending, monetary, investment and freedom to corruption. Areas that have seen a rebound are: labor and entrepreneurial freedom. Those who remained at the same level are: financial freedom and property rights.
Moldova is the best in Chapter taxation (85.6), trade (80.2) and monetary (77.0), and the worst labor (39.0) and free investment (35.0) with all that the latter has increased by 5 points. Republic of Moldova is in Malawi (No. 119) and Senegal (No. 121). Top ranking is occupied by Hong Kong (89.7 points), Singapore (87.2 points) and Australia (82.5 points). Latest jobs back to Cuba, Zimbabwe and North Korea (1 point). Romania was ranked 63, where 143 Russian and 164 Ukrainian place.


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