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Project of civic education and language training for foreigners PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Thursday, 03 February 2011 13:42

The Interior Ministry, in collaboration with the RAI - Italian Television, created the television program of language training and civics 'shipyard in Italy - the Italian base to build citizenship' which airs from 3 February. In addition, a training tool to offer flexible and innovative program can also be followed online by February 5. The web site will contain in addition to videostreaming of each episode, the texts, with self-assessment exercises, guides, standards and services.

The format, which is co-financed by the EU through the European Fund for the Integration of third country nationals, is part of the project interventions support the attainment of the goals of the integration.

read in the original
It aims to promote basic literacy of L2 Italian for foreign adults and young adults, paralleling civic orientation, through a course of education in the law that enhances the knowledge of the rights and duties of foreign nationals in the country.
The program will be broadcast on RAI School (Digital TV) in the full 30-minute episode, and on RAI Due to the shorter version lasting 15 minutes. The replicas of the program also will be broadcast on Rai Uno in the evening.
It consists of 40 episodes modular learning content and training, and 2 special introducing and promoting the objectives of the certification level of language experience.
Each of the standard training bets will be divided into:
- Welcome to Italy! - Sit-com type that describes some situations in which foreign nationals may be
- Speaking Italian - more language - grammar.
- The Visual Dictionary - brief dictionary of basic
- Living in Italy - insights on the rights and duties.


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Last Updated on Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:27

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