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Where are the environmentalists Moldovan? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Florent Parmentier   
Friday, 25 February 2011 00:26
Environmental political movements have progressed in the last two decades throughout Europe. Having its origin in the countries of Northern Europe and Germany, environmentalist tide came today and many other European countries. France is no exception: the French left has traditionally relied on socialist and communist party. Currently she has an ally that gets stronger and stated that the two forces left the party because "Europe environmentalist," successor "Greens".

In France, everything seems to be focused on the need environmentalist - as soon as it announces a flood tide occurs or there is a chemical pollution, appear necessarily questions on various facets of the current environmental crisis: climate warming, deforestation, depletion of energy resources material, animal or plant species extinction, all these troubles are part of our daily life for a long time already.

Therefore, the eye of a surprise that the French listen to your comments on the Moldavian politicians floods that hit Moldova in August last year: it seems that the main controversy related to environmental policy that was appropriate to be applied in situations of that kind, but particularly focused on the geopolitical origins of those floods. Thus, the vehicle as a neighboring country like Romania, dam failure would be forced to save the city of Galati, located several hundred kilometers. It is true that such an accusation is nothing else than an extravagance, but at the same time it reveals a fundamental difference that we found between France and Moldova: history and geopolitical importance attributed to the extreme, two analysis tools, course are not devoid of interest, however, who sometimes forget to take into account other things.

In France, such an incident occurred a few weeks before crucial elections would strengthen the position of the environmental movement mechanically. Neither party claims that any success achieved national environmentalist elections of 28 November: only party that openly says ecologist got about a thousand votes. All major parties have put in a very logical, the conditions to overcome the crisis in Moldova and the fight against poverty, going completely overlooked environmental problems. There's nothing surprising in the fact that environmental issues are a concern of rich countries: when the wave of expansion came to Central European countries, candidate states needed more time to achieve specific ecological conditions. Not having a certain level of economic development, is probably very difficult to implement a growth model based on a sound environment and public policies adapted. Moreover, voters in France environmentalist attract more representatives from middle and upper classes, only the popular ones, which confirms the idea that "environmentalism is a privilege of the rich."

However, even if environmental issues are circulated in a particular subject by the general public in rich countries, these issues remain of all: while rich countries have found a way to fight climate change, poorer countries will undoubtedly find themselves in a much more complicated. Then it will be time to ask ourselves just what is needed to seek geopolitical origin of all phenomena, not really a solution to real problems. Given the growing importance of environmental problems attributed by public opinion in Western European countries, being a virtuous country in this field could open new perspectives for Moldova The fight against wasted energy and renewable energy development is both a Action ecological and an economic necessity.

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Last Updated on Friday, 25 February 2011 00:41

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