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Home News Latest Interview with Anatoly Arhire, Member of Parliament, leader of the Liberal Party branch Ungheni
Interview with Anatoly Arhire, Member of Parliament, leader of the Liberal Party branch Ungheni PDF Print E-mail
Written by Lucia Bacalu   
Monday, 15 June 2009 23:15

Arhire Anatol "We must răsuflecăm sleeves and get ready for a grapple"

Interview with Anatoly Arhire, Member of Parliament, leader of the Liberal Party branch Ungheni

Take part in Parliament with the shortest life so far. However, I suspect, have managed to get a certain impression about the work of the legislature, have accumulated some experience.

  • They say experience is too hard. But I learned something. We studied the operating rules of Parliament, Law on Government and, of course, the Law on the Status of Members. Need to know. It is a moral obligation, based on the status that you have. I also witnessed the latest events, I understand that is the mood that's atmosphere.

What's the atmosphere in Parliament?

  • It is an oppressive atmosphere, necolegială. Usually, when we met representatives of opposition factions, we greet, communicate. How to appear majority faction, seeing their faces discontent. He feels that there is only one person voice. You can not breathe without the knowledge of Almighty. This is observed in the intervals, and in plenary sessions and just before the start. I want to make an example. Voronin 2-3 minutes always comes before the plenary session. The appearance of the room, all team "starogvardeiţî" piciocare amounts, like you press a button. This mechanism works seamlessly. The younger rises more slowly, with delay. Or another example: in his speech at the opening of Parliament Ivan aka Ion Calin Calin said three times "because the President of Moldova" and applauded every time the old guard with hands raised. The youngest - left hands down and with a very low level. In anything they do not move, do not say anything, do not say anything without their knowledge or king Almighty.

The same accusations were made by President Vladimir Voronin to address the opposition parties. Told him that all these formations is instructed to party leader.

  • Not so. He saw, perhaps, everyone that went to the microphone not only Michael Ghimpu Parliament. He went out and Anatol Salaru, and Corina Fusu, and Ana Gutu. Incidentally, I had three meetings with Vladimir Voronin - willing him to come to our meetings fraction. Yes, I tried to say that here is dictatorship. I proved the opposite: we have made all your mind.

Until the election of the Internet to convey some of the opposition name, which might betray. Among those complaints on your behalf.

  • Yes, my name appeared. Interesting is that no one approached me either by phone, either orally or in the street. Just waiting. But I was. Perhaps my vision and knew that the famous B & B have no chance. Placing numeluiu think my internet is still a diabolical plan. Then appeared in Moldova Suverana an article stating that I went with an armed team to destroy the Liberals and customs checkpoint from Sculeni. Subsequently, this post was taken over by "Communist", which was accused and one of my sons and that it is part of a neo-fascist movement, "New Right" in Romania. They have them-they-have practices which can not discard. May be shown that reason damage in those moments ...

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"Vulnerabilitata which is called thirst for power, to kiss even the most polluted place just to hang me from a function, I do not characterized. I want to save the upsurge in fighting the plague that communist Moldova. A race we expected it to. "

You refused to vote for a president of the country, thus causing new elections. Not sorry at all that has been dissolved Parliament? It is not known whether you will once again Ajuga deputy.

  • Before you answer, I want to make a small clarification: please express yourself correctly in the context of Moldova's Constitution - I refused to vote Moldovan President, not President of the country, Madam Bacalu. And not regret. We argue. Upon dissolution of Parliament, by law, we are entitled to six salaries. We, the Liberal Party faction, we unanimously decided to give up the money. Vulnerabilitata which is called thirst for power, to kiss even the most polluted place just to hang me from a function, I do not characterized. I want to save the upsurge in fighting the plague that communist Moldova. We will race it in advance.

You is available now on the eve of the start of a new electoral campaign? What message will come to people? We must recognize that now, especially in our villages, many people simply inform the "Moldova 1" and have already formed a view on the latest events, a vision which is to the detriment of opposition parties.

  • Sure, after all the events that took place when it was already clear that the so-called golden vote, the fact that my colleague, John Hadîrcă, shame he had called the vote will not be found, I gathered fellow subsidiary leadership Ungheni and told them that we must răsuflecăm sleeves and get ready for a grapple.

Now understand that you are not going to take you to beat our villages.

  • No, it's a metaphor. That means it will be a more and mobilization. A total mobilization, responsibilities, with a clear message, with movement, with hard work.

"The world is not tired. Rather, they want to mobilize, we would like to support the new opposition parties. Deserves to start the fight. "

Do you think anyone is willing to start a new war? It did not last so long after the former elections and people are tired.

  • You know what I mean? When put to vote was first lady candidate autogroparului Grechanaya and pits, a pause, a deputy Communist Party told us: you just do not want to go on vacation in August, when everybody is resting ? I replied bluntly: we were two months into a marathon and we leave so fresh and full of power, that we want to brawl again anticipated. The world is not tired. Rather, they want to mobilize, we would like to support the new opposition parties.
Deserves to start the fight and I tell you why. At a fraction of our meetings with Vladimir Voronin, Parliament proposed that Michael Ghimpu continue to work to succeed in life to translate the Council of Europe resolution, which was quite dramatic to the communist leadership. Changes should be made to the Electoral Code, the broadcasting code, other laws, in order to adjust to the EU. Voronin, seeing that he has obtained what he wanted, said: "No, I'll do when I want."

Have you personally heard saying these things?

  • Voronin was three times farcţiunea Liberal Party. The first time was when they had to be voted vice Parliament. He came and said I give you a vice president of Parliament. What does this mean? Parliament is property of his own? Or wealth of his yard? Behaved cheeknic. At the second meeting of the faction came exactly the same manner. But the third meeting I noticed one thing: Voronin has shown that capacity not only to the dictator, but the beggar. Efectiiv, the begging us to vote, to express it this way: "You enter the booth, vote and write NO. Pray to go, saying that the country is in a very difficult situation, decreased imports, exports. "Do not know what awaits us," he says.

And why have not agreed to enter the cabin, since you were sure you vote against the candidates proposed by the PCRM?

  • It was a trick, but never went. He could go with his fellows, but we do not work. Even if all the 41 opposition deputies would vote against, they should be found not only vote but also 5-7, as found in previous elections.

You Romanian citizenship?

  • A hold in 1997.

And now, to get into Parliament, have submitted an application to abandon it?

  • It was determined the application form, authors are Dorin Chirtoaca and Alexandru Tanase. It was made so delicate and can not, he did not know whether to give citizenship or not.

My next question may seem frivolous, and yet: what is your forecast for the next election. I ask because you saw the Parliamentary colleagues.

  • For when I am in politics, I never made predictions like that. Sure, if we have a truly independent TV station, I had every chance to become - the three parliamentary opposition parties - the majority in the future Parliament. Is premature to call a number and not serious for me.

"Moldovan Leu mocks all global currencies.'m Honest Communists and we continue to lie?"

If Parliament was not dissolved, you had some plans to work as a member?

  • Yes. I had put in mind to help promote bills. It's in the first place, the adjustment of Moldovan legislation to the EU in terms of producers and processors of meat, milk. In my capacity as vice president of the county, we wanted to alleviate sitiaţia Ungheni milk factory, had found even Italian investors. But because of our legislation, the Italians surrendered. I would have liked very much to promote - just to be one of the co-authors - the law of crop rotation. We have leaders who lideraşi, simply use the land and squeeze everything out of it. A crop rotation law is absolutely necessary as urgent. I've thought and a new regulation on the grant provides only one who is a VAT refund, which is not grant. Although my field of activity is agriculture, not to give up law on local border traffic. I want people to feel free. The free movement of people, capital, labor would not only benefit I create another image of Moldova.

The world hears you always say Ungheni County, County Council ...

  • Yes, there were cases when I was accused of not respecting the law. Let's see. Communists became the majority, now eight years, counties have returned to the districts. Tell me please, was a referendum on this issue? He said NGOs word? He said word of the local government? No. They've got a dictatorial and deleted everything that was done. But you worked hard, Europeans gave money were consulted local authorities, civil society. But they were all removed overnight. Who violated the law Know the county, the region is the most effective and modern governance structure. We will certainly return them. And another thing: the Communists are in disarray now. They give good account, as falsucountries that have done, that will not get the same score. Today, the trade deficit in Moldova is of one billion dollars and the state budget is one billion euros. Any economist will tell you that when the trade deficit is equivalent to the country's budget, it enters into default. They hide these things. And another good example: MDL mocks all global currencies.'m Honest Communists and we continue to lie?

Do not be afraid to take the power in such circumstances?

  • No, we are afraid. If democratic forces come to power, we will support healthy Western forces, and certainly, we can get out of this situation.

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Last Updated on Monday, 15 June 2009 23:50

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