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Home News Latest Bishop of Chisinau launches an alarm to Europe
Bishop of Chisinau launches an alarm to Europe PDF Print E-mail
Written by Alexandru   
Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:14
Concern for thousands of children living without one or both parents and the phenomenon of human trafficking. These churches are fears expressed by the Archbishop of Moldova Chisinau, Anton Cosa. He says that the number of citizens working abroad is very high. Most Moldovans go to Russia and Italy. About 25 000 visas were opened in 2009 for citizens of Moldova to the Italian Embassy in Chisinau and not to mention those who are undocumented foreign okay, whose number is not known. People are afraid of poverty because of the difficulty of living with an average salary of 182 euros a month. This poverty affects young people whose parents are away, they grow up deprived of warmth and parent education.
Another issue is human trafficking for sexual purposes. How many beautiful girls and they got into the hands of people without scrupole crminalităţii and, then to be sold in Europe and into the street. Bishop released a warning to Europe not to expect these girls to be placed in the street and then to remind us of their existence but we come to them with aid, with hope in a more prosperous future. " Resizable trafficking, sex tourism and caused the development of Moldova became a subject of "women's market." Today the Catholic church on the concept works much dignity of women and re-value her femininity.
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 13:21

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