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Home News Latest General evidence of a new generation spacecraft
General evidence of a new generation spacecraft PDF Print E-mail
Written by Plesco Natalia   
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 16:44
General evidence springboard nr.40, Kenedy Space Center (KSC) in Cape Canaveral in Florida. Falcon 9 rocket built by Space Exploration Technologies (Space X), the billionaire Elon Musk, transporting the finished hangar on the launch pad. Are still perform many routine operations and preparations for the launch which will take place in late March. Falcon 9 has a height of 54.9 meters is part of the new generation of carriers built by private funds, which will use the space program for low-orbit refueling. Falcon will provide the U.S. a way out in space at a much lower price compared to that performed by the shuttle which were left to make another four releases and will be removed from the project.
Rocket engine is composed of nine Merlin engines, designed by engineer Tom Mueller, which already operates the Falcon 1. In September 2008, SpaceX was the first private company that has sent into orbit a rocket fuel. After several failures was launched into orbit a satellite simulator which weighed less than 200 kg, successfully completed a full implementation. Version of the Falcon 9, with the completion of all testing is under control Dragon spacecraft integration that the new version of "ferry" will allow the transportation of four astronauts on the International Space Station. Following the agreement made by NASA and the California manufacturer, Space X is required to undertake at least 12 launches to Space Station at a price of around 120 million mission.
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