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Home News Latest Hackers in Romania, hats off!
Hackers in Romania, hats off! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 20:33

Protest forced the Romanians ţiganizarea

A group of young Romanian specialists in computer science, offered a stinging lesson of large bodies of (dis) European information, publications Le Monde "and" Daily Telegraph ", which were broken sites - being posted messages protest against stigmatization operation by superimposing the image of Romanian Gypsies - MACARIE practiced often simplistic and vulgar British and French media.
The most recent example of such an attitude becomes a stereotype has been recently issued by the French entertainment moderators - and paid television audience - taking in derision greeting to the Romans, male gathering the right. Romanian greeting gesture was the chimps ape franţuji which overlapped Salute tension scoop hand gesture as any kopeck or a Frenchman by the French capital's Roma beggars.
Depending ritual greeting is, is part of gestures laden ancient symbol and raising the right hand by men, the history of chivalry ever leaving, having nothing to do with gestures beggars.
Men carry a sword stretched out and his right hand gripe, they handle the sword, to secure another, confirming that the meeting would take place in peace. Not every hand is stretched, only the sword bearers, knights, had the privilege of greeting. Obviously, the filmmakers show that not sharing anything with chivalry, and for entertainment was humiliated by superimposing images Romanian gipsy beggars.
Le Monde, one of the most important publications of France, has received an educational lesson in the new species Romanian knights, horsemen of the net site, calling themselves the Romanian National Security - to the great jealousy of those of SRI, incapable of similar performance (well, that would not occur to break the FSB servers for example).
"We came as mockery. Romanian gypsies are not! Its not us writing history! When talking about our compatriots, do not use the words "Romanian Gypsies." I have met France in November, we'll meet you ROMANIA! RNS ensure that these things are accomplished, Romanian hackers have posted on the website of Le Monde.

"Romanian Gypsies are not, moron!"

The same sensible hackers from the National Security Romanian broke a few days ago and UK newspaper website "Daily Telegraph" and blocked two pages of posting daily following protest: "We've had some rubbish like to see how I try to mock our country. Let us create a picture quite different from the real and calling us Romanian Gypsies, all broadcasting programs like shit "Top Gear". If you had the nerve to mad a whole country, know that we will not stop here! Romania. Post ends with "Guess What, Gypsies AREN ¥ t Romanians, morons - Guess what, are Romanian gypsies, morons."
The message was accompanied by two clips - one related to an episode of "Top Gear" and another contained the song "The Lonely Shepherd" by Gheorghe Zamfir, used by Quentin Tarantino for the soundtrack of "Kill Bill.
In the episode complained of "Top Gear", filmed last year in Romania, British presenters acknowledged that the best route Transfagarasanul mountain road that led ever - "Close to perfection."
But when they arrived in areas inhabited by gypsies came by Mega, Jeremy Clarkson said "enter the land of Borat," and putting on the crown of a hat and wearing hat saying "that Gypsies are to believe that the them. I was told that they can be violent if they do not like the look. " Note also correct. British intention was to suggest that Romanians are Gypsies dangerous and Romania's ambassador to London urged the BBC and editing of the episode, requiring removal remark that Romania is "a country of Gypsies".
Embassy informed the producers that statistics prove that ethnic Gypsies is only 2.5\% of the citizens of Romania, but the episode filmed in Romania was presented as the British wanted muscles.
Romanian hackers outlaws is just a memorable gesture that shows that the Romanian intelligence is notable and heeded. Romanian hackers have not once shown remarkable technical skills in frightening băgând powerful institutions - the U.S. attacked the Ministry of Finance, Financial Services or servers Army-Navy Air Facility, etc. eBay site. No wonder the Romanian Stefan Odobleja invented the concept of cybernetics and casual school of mathematics and computer science in Romanian is famous worldwide.
Romanian hackers revenge on the European press, vector image distorting and lying against Romania, not once, but is superfluous.

Petre Roman has become internationally Roma Romanians

Unfortunately, the first to be penalized for pointing fingers and the image operation ţiganizare Romanians are former foreign ministers and Andrei Plesu Petre Roman, Romanian citizens with faces (if not blood) ethnic Orientals say.
The Memorandum no. 02/29/2000 D2/1094 designed by Petre Roman and then took the time formalize Andrei Plesu asking for the name of Rom Gypsy ethnicity. "We propose to use, especially of the word Gypsy in correspondence MFA, in parallel with the above alternative formulations (Roma / Gypsies, roms / Tsiganes, Roma and Sinti) in correspondence with international organizations involved."
Formalization of the state institutions designations eng / Gypsy / Romania to achieve a compulsory, although the Europe we merely recommendations to that effect, coming from the Council of Europe and European Union. Meanwhile, rum-Romanian confusion across Europe has led to ridiculous situations. Thus, an official delegation was prevented from entering into an EU country before accession, because our country was the passport short drive.
Lexical aggression Roma / Romanian - Romanes / Romanian was applied to the country and our nation after 1990, under a comprehensive program developed by the Soros Foundation in Romania. BenefitsWhen the numerous members of the Gypsy ethnic governments of Romania - Ion Iliescu, Adrian Nastase and Andrei Plesu - after "Memorandum" Petre Roman, who formalize parallel names, nothing has stood in the way of language and history of counterfeiters Soros.
In 1995, Soros language that will replace gypsy named "romalli" form that could not decline and was subsequently replaced with "Romans" and variant "Roma."
The first argument was that related to the word "Roma", the Romanians being fooled then it will be replaced with "Roma", another formula that only increased lexical disorder.
Then, to approximate the real goals, was amended to "Romanes", resulting in widespread confusion in countries affected by the wave of immigration and / or gypsy crime. Thus, overlapping Rom / Roma / Romanian with English Romanes / Romanian, Roma community with the country concerned with Romania, it was the transformation of the Romanian Gypsies in Europe.

Defamation Romania - constant and continuous operation

But Romanians are categorized as long Gypsy systematically and consistently by "friends" of America, those who were educated Iliescu and Papa's Roman Tismaneanu. Russian leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, himself a Jew at home, said in the last decade that Romania is an artificial state inhabited by Roma Italian.
Ţiganizarea Romania Russia has a long history. Pushkin, the Kremlin's special envoy to Moldova, the Russification of Bessarabia, wrote at the time, about us, the poem "Gypsies", mediated by Russia with a huge power worldwide. Then, in the years 1960-1970, the USSR resumed its policy portrayal of Roma by Romanian as an intense propaganda, using the example of a KGB collaborator, director Emil Loteanu, schools and Bucharest and Moscow, which conducted a series of propaganda films - "tribe", "Lăutari", "Queen of the sky" and others - who were present mitizaţi Gypsies playing in ... Romanian. All these productions were widely disseminated and international awards.
One of the main roles were played by Sergei Lunkevich, a violinist from Bessarabia, folk singer ... a Romanian. Lunkevich have and dance band "Fluieras, financed and highly promoted immediately after 1944, which went on tour through the USSR and the world. But the stake is put on the Gypsy dances ... Moldovans and Romanians. When Communist Vladimir Voronin came to power, took the flight Zhirinovsky's message, repeating in all his appearances phrase "Romanians are Gypsies." For a decade, the Moldovan Communists were anti-Romanian propaganda job, including using Gypsy, just as the BBC and the British are now or chimpanzees franţuji the entertainment shows.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 21:09

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