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Home News Latest The more good student? And `mama and studied at night
The more good student? And `mama and studied at night PDF Print E-mail
Written by Enrico Gotti   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 16:52

And 'the student with the highest ratings of all Parma and is the mother of a child of 15 months. Her name is Inga, 23 years old and studied at Bodoni.

read in the original
His report card is all of "10", but two "9", in Italian and history.

He finished third in the evening course with the highest average among high school students from Parma (9.75), shuttling between the books and breastfeeding the little Maxim.
"I started school when he was six months - Inga says watching his son - the first time we did it harder, because I came home to give him the milk and leave. Sometimes it was my husband took the baby and took him from me, to Bodoni. Once I fed before school by car. Then, in January has become accustomed. If you have been good it's all about my husband, Vitalie, I've always been close. "
Inga Cotuc was born in Baltic, Moldova has finished high school, but in Italy she returned to school.
"I came here four years ago, at age 18. - He says - I worked as a bartender and I work in the office, do what they've studied. "
The decision to return to the classroom was not easy: "At first I was undecided for the baby. Then the president has convinced me: I was told that the child is not properly manage the mother but the mother who has to manage his son. My husband stayed home with Maxim at night and the day I was there. "
The evening class starts at 19:30 and ends at 23.30. 'It was my friend, Inga, who advised the Bodoni. The teachers are very good at explaining and be patient - explains the model student -. Professor Schirippa teaches business administration in a very effective and very understandable, they are all special, now I think of Professor Holland and Professor of Italian Zimbalatti computer.
In his class there is another girl with good grades, Lucia, has thirty-two and one third is left to study in higher education, even though Moldova has finished university.
The preferred subjects are business administration from Inga and computing, but the young student also has a great passion for Dante and the "Commedia" which Boccaccio called "Divine."
"In the first half I did not get top marks - remember that the student - the results, which even I expected, came in the second half."
It is not easy to study and concentrate with the little Maxim, and it is not usually with a baby a year and a half: "I study when he is asleep - Inga says - I read when we go out in the garden at the park: he plays and I I hold a book, then I can just study the interval between classes. "
"I owe much also to my mother Helen, who has helped us whenever we needed. I am proud of my family, my son and my husband are the most beautiful thing there is. I got married here in Parma, in the Orthodox church, my son was born here and lived here I have wonderful days. "

Source: Gazzetta di Parma

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 16:57

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