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Home News Latest Pimps arrested in Europe: a crash course to victims of prostitution
Pimps arrested in Europe: a crash course to victims of prostitution PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Sunday, 18 July 2010 18:55

In handcuffs, Florence, a man and a woman who wore Moldavian girls in Italy. In searches, and even found a manual on how to entertain a vocabulary customers.

A real manual of prostitution even with a minivocabolario, reporting phrases and terms used, such as: "More time, more money." This is the "service" offered by an Albanian and a 29 year old Moldovan 28 women arrived in Florence from the East to be brought to the task. The two were arrested by the squad. For them, the charges are recruiting people from abroad forced prostitution, exploitation of prostitution and the manufacture of forged identity documents.

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On the basis of reconstructed by investigators, the two are part of well-structured organization. The girls, all from Moldova, were given false identity papers Romanians. Thus, in a minivan first reached Milan and Florence, where they were entrusted to the girl of Moldova, a former prostitute, and the Albanian pimp.
Before starting the business, explain the police, the girls faced a period of "training", during which they were instructed on how to behave and the words to use with clients. The searches were also found vocabularies, do-it-yourself. The share devoted to prostitutes was around 20% of the money earned, even several hundred euro per night. For the recruitment of victims of trafficking used a pyramid scheme: the young are already "enrolled" in touch with friends in Moldova to guide them in Italy.

Continue reading Il Giornale.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 18 July 2010 19:10

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