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Home News Latest An alien ship approaches Earth
An alien ship approaches Earth PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Tuesday, 10 August 2010 09:41
NASA authorities reported that an artificial object approaching Earth from outer space, being home rather than an artificial asteroid, according The Daily Galaxy.Obiectul site called KQ 2010, was detected by Catalina Sky Observatory Survey in early May 2010 and was followed by service tracking asteroids NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory located in California. Observations made by the astronomer SJBus, using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea (Hawaii), indicates that all characteristic spectral KQ of 2010 do not match those of any asteroid, and its absolute magnitude (28.9) suggests that it measures only a few meters in size. The object did not drive while under the supervision of which was NASA. However, experts believe that this object must have used their power, given its position and velocity. Experts say that this object must be a spaceship, or a piece of it, which was part of a mission interploanetară past, and now returns to Earth.
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