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Home News Latest Google pays people who find bugs in Chrome browser
Google pays people who find bugs in Chrome browser PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Tuesday, 10 August 2010 21:19

Google said it would pay 3133 dollars more than those who will find important bugs or browser, Chrome. The company began to pay such rewards in January when it offered $ 1,337 for the largest vulnerabilities, according to The Register birtanice publication. And Mozilla is now the same thing at that time offering of $ 500 for the most serious problems are found by interested parties, informing Antena3 site. Very few of the creators of the software currently offers rewards. These apply almost exclusively to open-source projects such as Mozilla Firefox. Until now, Google has paid $ 1,337 to one researcher, plus six awards of $ 1,000 each and 15 $ 500, which are offered for less serious bugs. The company will continue to pay small amounts for less important issues, but will provide great rewards for "high quality reports about bugs."


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