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Home News Latest It`s time to leave earth man
It`s time to leave earth man PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 13 August 2010 06:38

It is time for humanity to abandon Earth in order to avoid extinction, says the world's most famous physicist Professor Stephen Hawking. In an interview quoted by Fox News, Stephen Hawking has warned that the future of humanity is in outer space. "It will be difficult to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next few hundred years, not to mention the thousands or millions of years. The human race would be to keep all your eggs in one basket or on a single planet, "he said. "I see great dangers for the human race. There were occasions in the past when his survival was a matter of split second. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963 was one of them. Will increase the frequency of similar occasions in future. But I am a optimistic. If we can avert disaster in the next two hundred years, our species should be safe, as we spread into space, "continued the expert. Hawking is not expressed for the first time on the future of humanity. In April, he warned about contact with aliens - as absolutely safe as they exist on Earth advised to avoid any contact with her face.


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