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Home News Latest Where to live best in Europe?
Where to live best in Europe? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Wednesday, 22 September 2010 13:54

The most recent report regarding the quality of life shows that despite the scandal that is involved, France is the country that lives on the old continent's best.

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The report by uswitch.com, according to 16 criteria, including cost of living, number of vacation days, years of retirement or the number of sunny days a year, Spain ranks second.
In France people retire from work (for now) at the earliest, as in Poland and most health spending. And life expectancy is highest in France (81 years) compared with the rest of Europe. The French enjoy 36 days holiday per year, compared with 28 in Great Britain, for example.
Regarding the number of sunny days, France was immediately after Spain and Italy. How about Spain, Here are the best prices on alcohol, and the number of holidays is the largest, 43. Unfortunately, the Spanish government spends less on education.
3rd in this ranking is Denmark, followed by Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Great Britain and Ireland.
The life expectancy is lower in Poland, only 75 years, and the country where cigarettes are cheapest, only 1.70 euros, compared with 7.20 euros, how much a pack of cigarettes in all 20 Ireland


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 21:06

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