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Home News Latest Torrents reactivated md
Torrents reactivated md PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Friday, 29 October 2010 16:13

Site information sharing Moldovan TorrentsMD was reactivated. About the social network announced on the website administrators, stating that the restoration will take. UNIMEDIA notes that the online platform has been suspended after a criminal case opened by the Prosecutor General on copyright compliance. TorrentsMD servers were seized by prosecutors on 13 October 2010.

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For public access to the site have been lobbying both the prime minister of the country, Filat and interim president, Ghimpu. The statements were accompanied by their attention on the subject of the Tudor Darie, adviser to Prime Minister on youth issues and the liberal youth.
On TorrentsMD suspension, the country's prime minister called for an investigation Filat emergency if the site closure. According to a press release issued by the Government Press Service then chief executive Moldovan request a transparent investigation, without infringing on the rights of Internet users access to information. A few days ago, meeting with youth election, promised Filat servers will be returned and the site will be reactivated.
No Ghimpu interim president, was not quite agree with closing the torrent. "There were some warnings required and must be punished those who violated the copyright, but not to be denied access to everyone. We hope that the competent organs will solve the problems Torrentsmd seizing servers," said Ghimpu last week.
"Hands off the Internet and torrentsmd.com" wrote blogger CuratMurdarSRL who believes that "if it follows the logic of this - and people need to investigate this type of content upload sites.
Bloggers wrote that the prosecution should first investigate the legality of broadcasting pirated films or N4 NIT, then go and enforcement of copyright on the Internet.


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Last Updated on Friday, 29 October 2010 16:17

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