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Home News Latest Estonia has passed to euro
Estonia has passed to euro PDF Print E-mail
Written by Natascia   
Sunday, 02 January 2011 10:08

Saturday Estonians began to use their new currency, the euro, adopted at midnight, when they said goodbye to the crown, a symbol of their country's success after separation from the USSR, almost 20 years ago. Even if the Estonian crown will remain a symbol of independence, the majority supported the changeover, despite the difficulties he meets euro crisis in Greece and Ireland. People see the euro in the first place one less obstacle for foreign travel. There are, however, and Estonia who were against adopting the single currency. "Estonia is like a passenger who took the last ticket on the Titanic," says one of them. Moreover, even Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said that Estonia is now the poorest member of the Eurogroup and have made further efforts to meet requirements. Authorities deployed a vast campaign about the euro, so there's no problems with the transition from the single European currency Estonian crown. Even before the end of the year was an increased inflow from banks, people greeted the changeover calm, there were no queues at ATMs, preferring to pay by card.

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Estonian crowns will be able to exchange for euros free of charge, until 30 June at a rate of 15.64 crowns to one euro. Finnish neighbors glad that Estonians have gone to the euro, but I know from experience that this will lead to increased prices.
Estonia is the 17th nation to adopt the euro. "Estonia's entry will mean that over 330 million Europeans will have the euro coins and notes pockets," said European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. "It is a strong signal of stability and attractiveness of the euro brings European Union Member States," said EC President, in a time when some have begun to doubt the viability of the euro. "The single currency will provide a stable framework for the Estonian economy, which, together with fiscal and macroeconimice will create the basis for economic prosperity," he said Friday, and Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs.


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