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Home News Latest Zuckerberg man of the year? FSF does not agree!
Zuckerberg man of the year? FSF does not agree! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Darii Sined   
Tuesday, 04 January 2011 15:53

As you probably already know all the prestigious TIME magazine honored as Man of the Year Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's creator.

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But the Free Software Foundation (FSF), as it was easy to imagine, disagrees with this decision.

The reasons are explained in an article on the FSF website, here: http://www.fsf.org/facebook/mark-zuckerberg-is-time-magazines-person-of-the-year-wheres-the-dislike -button

In short, the arguments FSF are:

* Code is not free up available
* Facebook is a serious threat to the privacy of any person having complete control over the information
* According to the FSF, including the "I Like", which is integrated in different portals can be used to collect information even about those who do not have or do not use Facebook.

Finally, the FSF believes that we can prevent up to connect freely with our friends.

FSF also provides two images to show that you do not agree with Zuckerberg's nomination as Man of the Year 2010, they are:


What do you think? You or the FSF's Time?

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