We publish the FAQ released by the Interior Ministry decree on the recruitment process that flows 2010/2011, important to emphasize, no information of value to law.
Interesting Faq n.13 in which the forecast is made that the present decree will allow the definition of the instances in time from the norm. Therefore, according to the reply given by the Interior Ministry, the approximately 100,000 employees affected by the decree should be able to count on a release date of clearance prior to March 10, 2010. Hard to believe considering that they are still ongoing releases of the clearances required in 2007. The Minister then (FAQ # 21) could not be unchanged demand from abroad, but it is true that you can not hire a worker with this procedure if you are resident abroad (or have registered office) is also true that technically a citizen resident in Italy may be abroad at the time of the day click for several reasons. You can then connect to the same site of the 'Institute of Electronic Nazionale Galileo Ferraris Torino, www.inrim.it to synchronize the time. To read the questions and answers click here .
1. WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FOREIGN WORKERS NOT SEASONAL 52,080, that can be regularized by the January 31 DOMESTIC WORKERS AND 30mil to be finalized, however, the February 2. The former are among workers who aspire to join the workforce of Enterprise and Industry, while the latter are domestic helpers and caregivers? WHAT 'RIGHT TO THEIR PLACE IN THE WORLD OF WORK? It should be noted that this is not a regularization of the illegal labor flows but a decree for the entry of foreign workers, and foreigners for whom the request is made recruitment must be at the time of the application by the employer in your country. As a result, 52,080 seasonal foreign workers must be nationals of the countries listed in Art. 2 of Decree 2010 streams and can play any kind of paid employment is not seasonal, even in the domestic and personal care. The other 30,000 workers from countries not included in the list indicated in Art. 2 can carry out their activities only in the domestic and personal care. 2. Had applied for authorization for recruitment BUT UNDER THE 2007 decree, so far, I have not heard anything. CAN I SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION WITH THE NEW ORDER? Failure to respond to a request made in 2007 is no impediment to the presentation of a new question, therefore, may well submit an application under the 2010 decree on immigration. 3. I have a problem 'A COMPLETE AND SEND WITH THE APPLICATION PROCEDURES' Telematics can apply to a PATRONAGE? CAN I HAVE TO APPLY FOR ANOTHER PERSON AT MY PLACE? The application must be submitted by a registration on behalf of the employer on the system, mostly available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior, therefore, can be prepared by any person who is always sure to report the data from the employer. However, the Home Office has signed memoranda of understanding with all the major unions, with charitable institutions and associations that assist employers in filling and shipping applications, so you may apply to a patronage that will assist in the procedure. 4. WHAT ARE THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR SUBMISSION? The application is electronic transmission, therefore, should not be attached to any document. The necessary documentation must be submitted at the time of the convocation at the one-stop shop for the withdrawal of the authorization from the employer, and will be listed in the notification letter. However, attached to the models of demand, which will be available from January 17 to complete, there are lists of documents required for the definition of the application. 5. THE EVENT IS THE NEW PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS chronologically. IF THE QUESTIONS ARE AS PATRONAGE WILL BE COMPLETED BY A 'CERTIFICATE ORDER? The system will compile the list automatically. Will prevail when the system acquires the question, which may not coincide with the one in which you send to the time of transmission linked to the Internet and individual providers used by the user. The confirmation of proper receipt will indicate, in clear, an identification number and time of receipt of the application in which the application has been received. All shipments (questions), including those generated with the assistance of associations or charitable institutions, will be handled automatically by the program, individually and not "package" the possible shipment of multiple applications with a single shipment will be handled as a series of individual shipments, according to the order made by the employer, with the generation of receipts for each applicant. 6. FROM WHICH IT MAY NOW 'TO SEND THE APPLICATION? The application can be sent by the user from 8:00 am on Jan. 31 for the instances on the work of national preference provided in Art. 2 of the Decree, starting at 8 of 2February for questions relating to domestic workers and assistance to the person specified in art. 3, from 8:00 am Feb. 3 for all other areas set out in Articles. 4.5 and 6. 7. WHO HAS AN ORDER OF DEPORTATION CAN 'BE REQUESTED BY AN EMPLOYER IN ORDER OF CASH FLOWS 2010? The foreigner must be requested in compliance with Italian laws. The recipient of a deportation order can not return to Italy for the next 10 years unless the person has not obtained the special entry clearance from the Ministry of the Interior pursuant to art. 13 paragraph 13 of the Consolidated immigration. 8. ASSISTANCE OF PATRONAGE AND ASSOCIATIONS FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION AND 'WITHOUT CHARGE? WHAT ARE - IF WE ARE - SERVICES TO PAY? The procedures are completely free. Any claims of an economic nature related to the service provided does not depend on the Ministry of the Interior. 9. CAN 'A foreigner is allowed to STAY AND INCOME REQUIRED TO TAKE A non-EU workers? AND ASKED IF THE RENEWAL OF RESIDENCE PERMIT AND HAS RECEIVED THE ONLY CAN 'MAKE A REQUEST? An alien lawfully residing in Italy, can take a non-EU citizen the equal of an Italian citizen. In case of renewal of residence permits in the course, you can submit the application. 10. A non-EU workers YEAR HAS AN APPLICATION FOR CLEARANCE TO THE FAMILY REUNION MAY 'BE REQUIRED EVEN FROM AN EMPLOYER IN ORDER OF CASH FLOWS 2010? The process of reunification is not subject to quota limits and once arrived in Italy the foreigner can be hired. An employer may apply for authorization for recruitment for a foreign citizens for whom an application is being cleared to family reunification. In the case of the flow decree granting an application depends on the availability of shares. 11. THE LIMIT OF 5 QUESTIONS FOR RECRUITMENT OF EMPLOYER COVERS ALL TYPES OF CONTRACT (EXAMPLE 5 CARERS AND NON-DOMESTIC) OR IS A TOTAL MAXIMUM ROOF? 5 The number of intakes for each employer, is the upper limit of downloadable forms used for each user regardless of the type of work. 12. I live in a provincial town where there is no PATRONAGE: WE ARE DIFFERENT FAMILIES AND WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF WE CAN MAKE AN ADVISER TO THE STUDY OF LABOUR FORCE OR WE MUST TURN TO FOR AN ASSOCIATION? A recruitment consultant will assist its customers even if not accredited for the registration and the subsequent acquisition of the modules, the e-mail address of the employer. 13. What time are assumed to conclude the recruitment practices of the stream decree 2010? The new procedure is structured as it will allow the definition of the instances in time from the norm. 14. IF I HAVE NOT GOT IT BAD, EVEN WITH THE NEW ORDER IN THE TEST PROCEDURE IS TO ENTER THE PRIZE OF THE ORDER OF 98,080 PEOPLE FLOWS 2010. HOW TO BE CERTIFIED BY THE TIME for the electronic communication server of the Ministry? THERE WILL BE A NATIONAL RANKING SINGLE OR PROVINCE? The confirmation of receipt of application will be displayed directly on the application of completion within the user's private. the system will store the order in which applications were received for each province. 15. THE PROCEDURE PROVIDED THERE ARE NO DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED. BUT THE DOCUMENTATION AND ACCOMMODATION INCOME WHEN AND HOW WILL BE DEMONSTRATED? THE APPLICATION MUST PASS THE BAR CODE BRAND administrative staff (FROM 14.62 EURO). IN CASE OF LOSS OF THAT, WHAT HAPPENS? The current procedure does not differ from that of the 2007 decree for which the certification is on the accommodation which was self-certified income. Where in the course of the proceedings as may be necessary a verhappens during the income will be required integration instance. As for the certificate of conformity accommodation must be made - at the time of submission of the parties to the Single Desk to sign the contract to stay - a receipt showing the successful application of the same certificate submitted to the municipality or the competent ASL. As for the stamp, in case of loss, just submit another. 16. THE ORDER PROVIDES FLOW 30000 POSTS FOR DOMESTIC WORK. SHOULD I DO IF MY REQUEST FOR A DOMESTIC WORKER FROM COUNTRY WITH QUOTA RESERVED. THE APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO RECRUITMENT RESPECTING THE FIRST OR SECOND FROM THE EXPIRATION DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE JOURNAL OF ORDER FLOW? AGREES submit twice? BUT SO YOU COULD bloats the system ... Instances of borrowing in respect of nationals from countries that have been reserved for allocation must be submitted for any type of employment during the first day for submission by the Decree flows. You should not, therefore, re-submitting the application for the same worker in the following days. 17. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR FAMILY INCOME TAKING a carer? AND FOR A DOMESTIC WORKER? The economic capacity has to exist whenever the applicant possesses an annual income, net of tax, an amount at least double the amount of annual salary paid to the worker to take, plus any related contributions. The minimum income required as necessary will also result from a combined income of first-degree relatives also did not live together or, failing that, other parties legally required on the basis of self-care of them. The rules concerning the verification of the adequacy of the economic capacity of the employer shall not apply to the employer affected by diseases or disabilities that limit their self-sufficiency, which is seeking to recruit a foreign worker to his assistance. 18. YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN THE SITE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE WEB APPLICATIONS ON-LINE REQUEST FOR CLEARANCE TO EMPLOYMENT FLOWS PROVIDED BY DECREE 2010. The website dedicated to the following compilation and submission of job applications for employment flows provided by Decree 2010 will be available to users since January 17, 2011. Only from that moment it will be possible to register on site in order to request a form to fill in for the subsequent dispatch of the request for permission to work. 19. I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A LAWYER SEEK CONFIRMATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SIGN ME IT ON THE WEB SITE SERVICE FORWARDING ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS FOR CLEARANCE TO THE EMPLOYEE TO ASSIST MY CUSTOMERS. E 'POSSIBLE? No, the application must be submitted by the employer, therefore, is to be recorded on behalf of that which can take up to 5 workers with a single registration. The opportunity to apply for a third party is paid to trade associations, trade unions and employers and recruitment consultants who have signed MoUs with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Social Affairs on the procedures the responsibility of the OSS 's Immigration, for the provision of information and assistance in instances of clearance to work. 20. E 'can be registered in the Ministry of Interior WEB PAGE IN INTERNET POINT AND THEN ONCE YOU HAVE A PASSWORD TO DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM ON ANOTHER COMPUTER? You can register on the website of the Ministry of Interior in an Internet Point and then in the possession of users and password to download the posting on another computer. " 21. Where can I check the official time ABROAD ITALY TO SEND MY REQUEST TO EXACTLY eight in the morning? You can not send requests for permission to work abroad because the application may be made by an Italian employer or the alien legally residingn Italy and with headquarters in Italy. 22. PLEASE CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS IF THE REQUEST OF THE RECRUITMENT OF FOREIGN WORKERS (carers) IS SENT WRONG TWICE? If you sent the same question twice in the system rejects the second transmission 23. And 'My father needs to take a carer, but he lives in a different city and has no FROM MY COMPUTER OR INTERNET. I can do it instead? HOW DO I REGISTER AND DEMAND? Can apply for her father from any city with registering the name of the employer, the system will send the request to the one-stop shop responsible for the place where work will be performed. 24. A person who already has a carer CAN TAKE A SECOND OR CARERS COLF, ALWAYS STAYING IN YOUR HOME? A person may take more than a domestic worker and stay in their own homes provided that they have an adequate income to make such assumptions. As for the housing must meet the parameters laid down by regional law for the number of those who occupy the same accommodation. 25. MY MOTHER IS CURRENTLY INVALID TO 100%, HOW CAN ACT AS AN EMPLOYER OR SHOULD I INSTRUCT THE ASSUMPTION her carer? His mother can personally take on the carer and invalid because 100% is under no obligation to prove their income. 26. I HAVE AN ADDICTION TO MY COLF THAT IS THE SAME FOR MY BUSINESS EVEN CLOSE. COLF IN THE TOTAL REACHES THE MINIMUM REQUIRED BY THE DECREE salary (around 400 euros), but how to rectify, IF EMPLOYERS ARE TWO? The procedure in place is not a regularization. The application for authorization for recruitment under flow decree may be made by a single employer. Once the worker has made entry into Italy and has applied for a residence permit may be taken by several employers. 27. SAME PERSON CAN TAKE MANY PETS? There is no numerical limit, the employer must, however, have an adequate income assumption of most households. 28. I WOULD HAVE AN INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN ITALY FOR FOREIGN TOURISM CAN DO IT? A foreigner who has made entry into Italy for tourism can not perform a job and at the end of three months must leave the country, so the assumption must follow the procedure laid down by Decree 2010 and the foreign flows will return to Italy with a specific visa for employment. 29. WHAT HAPPENS IF AN APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION FOR MISTAKE-IN 'S ORDER OF CASH FLOWS 2010 - IS SENT IN A FEW HOURS BEFORE THE DAY FIXED 8:00 The application is not accepted by the server. The user receives a message in the send window that announces that the application was rejected because the terms are not yet open. The request is not canceled and may be resubmitted by the user selecting the button again sends the correct time and established by decree. 30. WHAT TIME OF REFERENCE? Those provided by the TELETEXT RAI INSTITUTE Galileo, CNR, ENEA, ISIT OF PHYSICS, ETC? The system is synchronized with the time server of 'IEN Galileo Ferraris of Turin. 31. THE DECREE OF 2010 PROVIDES A SALARY MINIMUM FLOWS AND DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT REQUIRED FOR a carer? To hire a foreign domestic worker (such as the hiring of any employee) is necessary to ensure a working time of no less than 20 hours per week, and the remuneration shall be in accordance with the provisions of the national collective agreement, but not less the minimum required for the social allowance (€ 417.30). The preparation may be determined that time limit. 32. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU CAN SEND MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION FOR THE SAME WORK COMPUTER USING DIFFERENT IF IT INCREASES THE POSSIBILITY OF PROFIT entered on the list 33. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS SENT TO THE ASSOCIATION REQUESTS WILL BE SENT IN ONE PACKAGE 'ACQUIRED IN THE ORDER OF COMPLETION OF THE APPLICATION? The mailings also cumulative ones are handled by the program and not a single packet. Each package drawn up by each user of the association, sponsorship etc will be opened and the questions will be acquired by the system and mixed with the other sent from all other users, but retaining the order with which we proceeded to the compilation of questions. It is intended for the compilation of the questions when prompted for the first time and saved the form. meltingpot.org